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OK I am half packed!

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OK I am half packed!  Empty OK I am half packed!

Post by Founder Sun Jun 26, 2011 10:52 pm

I know I am a little ahead of schedule, but bum hand and taking my time to pack and go over my checklist so when I head out there will be no, "did I remember xxxxx?" Have not fired a round with my right hand in about 1 1/2 years. Dry firing is going well so if my left hand does not heal up I am ready to go right if needed.

I may shoot the ball matches and Canton righty just to preserve my left hand hand for Perry. Then if my left hand survives I can shoot ball lefty on Sunday, will be sporting a new pair of prescription shooting glasses for irons too. Actually being able to clearly see the front sights may make up for any points I may drop shooting right handed!

Ok off to dry fire and then bed time.


Posts : 784
Join date : 2011-06-09
Age : 51
Location : Brooklyn, WI.


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