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Using scope as a spotting scope for Bullseye matches. ?

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Using scope as a spotting scope for Bullseye matches.  ?  Empty Using scope as a spotting scope for Bullseye matches. ?

Post by NDAR15MAN 11/30/2022, 12:34 pm

I am fortunate and I have a spare Sightron lll 
10-50x60 thin duplex , Target dot scope. Few years ago I was able to buy a wooded stock that you see at stores like Bass pro , Cables store , that they mount their sample scopes on so customers can shoulder the stock/ scope and see through it to make a good buying decision. Will I use my set up to check targets  shooting target rifles. Works excellent.  I am Just getting into bullseye shooting and at this time do not have a bullseye shooting box we’re you can mount a scope on lid to look at your 25 Yard and some times 50 yard targets. I might not go the bullseye pistol box , afraid it might be to heavy for a 63 year old guy getting it in and out of truck. 
Question has at any one used a rifle scope as a spotting cope to check there 25 yard targets at shooting matches ? I don’t want to be laughed off the shooting line. Ha ha.  If so do you use some kind of stand to hold scope on ? Thanks. Marty


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Using scope as a spotting scope for Bullseye matches.  ?  Empty Re: Using scope as a spotting scope for Bullseye matches. ?

Post by Boxturtle 11/30/2022, 12:53 pm

Marty, PM sent.


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Using scope as a spotting scope for Bullseye matches.  ?  Empty Re: Using scope as a spotting scope for Bullseye matches. ?

Post by aub1957 12/2/2022, 9:58 am

I take my Kowa spotting scope (that I use for service rifle) on a Freeland stand to pistol matches all the time and use it. I see several people do the same thing as well. The only caveat is there has to be enough room on the benches/table and it needs to be a stable, level surface.


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Using scope as a spotting scope for Bullseye matches.  ?  Empty Re: Using scope as a spotting scope for Bullseye matches. ?

Post by zanemoseley 12/2/2022, 11:38 am

The worst part will likely be the straight eyepiece versus a 45 degree eye piece and possibly the eye relief. Personally if you don't have a need for the Sightron I'd sell it and get a decent spotting scope with a 45 degree eyepiece.


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Using scope as a spotting scope for Bullseye matches.  ?  Empty Re: Using scope as a spotting scope for Bullseye matches. ?

Post by BruceV 12/3/2022, 9:08 am


I have my first and only Pachmayr gun box, bought it in 1975 and it really is not terrible in regard to weight.  Of course if you stuff 3 or 4 guns in it, 15 boxes of .45acp and have the Hubble telescope as your spotting scope then yes it can get a bit heavy.

A good gun box is your friend just set it up with what you need, I used to always stuff it full, stopped doing that, my scores went up 15 points.


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Using scope as a spotting scope for Bullseye matches.  ?  Empty Re: Using scope as a spotting scope for Bullseye matches. ?

Post by WesG 12/3/2022, 11:59 pm

25 yards, at a 'real' match ... there isn't enough time to scope before they turn. And if you have time, you shot to fast. Been there ... not sure I've outgrown it yet.

Picking up a rifle scope, in some sense means putting the pistol down. Not good. Shoot. Check the target when you're stapling up the next one.

50 yards ...


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Using scope as a spotting scope for Bullseye matches.  ?  Empty Re: Using scope as a spotting scope for Bullseye matches. ?

Post by L. Boscoe 12/5/2022, 11:18 am

For 25yds or so, how about a "monocular" 8 power for spotting.  They are small enough you could wear one on a string.  50yds might be a stretch.

L. Boscoe

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Using scope as a spotting scope for Bullseye matches.  ?  Empty Re: Using scope as a spotting scope for Bullseye matches. ?

Post by chiz1180 12/5/2022, 12:03 pm

L. Boscoe wrote:For 25yds or so, how about a "monocular" 8 power for spotting.  They are small enough you could wear one on a string.  50yds might be a stretch.
Could work for you depending on lighting conditions and your particular eyesight.

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Using scope as a spotting scope for Bullseye matches.  ?  Empty Re: Using scope as a spotting scope for Bullseye matches. ?

Post by NDAR15MAN 12/13/2022, 11:10 pm

Thanks for the good tips. Marty


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