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Hodgdon CFE Pistol Powder

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Hodgdon CFE Pistol Powder Empty Hodgdon CFE Pistol Powder

Post by xmastershooter 12/29/2022, 9:25 am

Friend bought this powder after he was no longer able to locate Bullseye powder.  CFE (copper fouling eraser) implies use with jacketed bullets?
Any recommendations for bullseye loads with commonly used bullets such as 185 gr LHPSWC?


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Hodgdon CFE Pistol Powder Empty Re: Hodgdon CFE Pistol Powder

Post by Wobbley 12/29/2022, 4:33 pm

It is a slow powder about the speed of WSF or WAP and a bit slower than Unique.  It doesn’t “load down” very well.  It is also dirty.  I use it in 9mm.  Accurate enough in that, but the negatives caused me to move on.

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Join date : 2015-02-12

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