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Wilson Combat ammo?

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Wilson Combat ammo? Empty Wilson Combat ammo?

Post by Buck13 1/7/2023, 2:26 pm

Anyone done serious accuracy testing on Wilson Combat target ammo? Either their .45 ACP or 9 mm with either 115 or 125 grain Hornady HAP bullets? Are these better than typical factory RN FMJ ammo (almost all of mine happens to be S&B at the moment, and a little Federal American Eagle).

I'm looking for something to use as a benchmark to compare my reloads to, or as a substitute when I'm too busy or lazy to reload.

To be totally honest, given my complete or partial lack of all of the following  {a Ransom Rest; shooting skills; reloading skills; time and energy for reload optimization} the stuff would have to be pretty mediocre not to be better than ammo I cook up in my basement, but I do want to be prepared to reload every caliber I shoot to deal with shortages.  I'm currently pretty well fixed for supplies except for large pistol standard primers and .45 bullets.


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Wilson Combat ammo? Empty A standard to compare to.

Post by OldShooter43 1/7/2023, 3:15 pm

Hi.  I haven't tested the Wilson target ammo, but if your looking for ammo to compare your reloads to,  Atlanta Arms Elite is pretty much the gold standard ,IMHO.


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Wilson Combat ammo? Empty Re: Wilson Combat ammo?

Post by shanneba 1/7/2023, 3:42 pm

You might consider the Eley Minor 9mm. $22.30 / 50
It is available in 115, 124 and 147 grain bullet weights.

ELEY Minor 9mm 124gr Competition Pistol Ammo | Killough Shooting Sports


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Wilson Combat ammo? Empty Re: Wilson Combat ammo?

Post by Buck13 1/7/2023, 3:47 pm

OldShooter43 wrote:Hi.  I haven't tested the Wilson target ammo, but if your looking for ammo to compare your reloads to,  Atlanta Arms Elite is pretty much the gold standard ,IMHO.
That must explain why none of it is in stock! Smile


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Wilson Combat ammo? Empty Re: Wilson Combat ammo?

Post by OldShooter43 1/7/2023, 3:50 pm

When it shows up, you have be quick.Wink

I'm on their email list and you might try that to get ahead of the crowd - but there's a crowd on the list too.


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Wilson Combat ammo? Empty Re: Wilson Combat ammo?

Post by S148 1/7/2023, 9:23 pm

You might find this article of interest:



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Wilson Combat ammo? Empty Re: Wilson Combat ammo?

Post by BE Mike 1/8/2023, 8:57 am

S148 wrote:You might find this article of interest:

The article first starts off talking about accurized guns and 50 yard accuracy. It then displays information from a less than accurized pistol and 25 yard groups. It was very disappointing to me, as a has been bullseye pistol shooter.
BE Mike
BE Mike

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Wilson Combat ammo? Empty Re: Wilson Combat ammo?

Post by Buck13 1/8/2023, 11:00 pm

OldShooter43 wrote:When it shows up, you have be quick.Wink

I'm on their email list and you might try that to get ahead of the crowd - but there's a crowd on the list too.
Hmmm.  In contrast, the Wilson ammo has been in stock for at least a couple of weeks.  Should I take that as a significant indicator of how desirable it is?  Or just the fact that it's somewhat more expensive?


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Wilson Combat ammo? Empty Re: Wilson Combat ammo?

Post by OldShooter43 1/9/2023, 6:50 am

Right now, Atlanta Arms Elite 124 gr JHP ammo is in stock, but you'll have to buy a 1000 rd case for $675 (plus shipping?).  Can't say anything about Wilson Combat ammo availability because I only have some of their defensive rounds.


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Wilson Combat ammo? Empty Re: Wilson Combat ammo?

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