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.22 hollow point

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.22 hollow point Empty .22 hollow point

Post by Dockokol Thu Oct 17, 2013 10:15 am

I am watching my stock of .22 dwindle and its time to see what I can buy.  In the past I bought CCI for my model 46, but it looks like I am going to have to find an alternative for practice ammo.  Ive found some Winchester .22, (super-X power point, 40 grain plated lead round nose) but it is hollow point.  Is the hollow point an issue?


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.22 hollow point Empty Re: .22 hollow point

Post by spursnguns Thu Oct 17, 2013 12:29 pm

Accuracy is accuracy....get it where you can.

The issue may be how well your Smith and Wesson will function with that load.  At a minimum; you may have to adjust the recoil spring weight to get proper functioning.


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.22 hollow point Empty Re: .22 hollow point

Post by Colt711 Thu Oct 17, 2013 8:23 pm

Some of our 41 users made recoil absorbers as follows; obtain 7/16 dia plastic tubing (Hdw, Lowes, Home Depot) and cut 1/4 to 3/8 inch from a squared end.

Insert at the base of recoil spring & guide.

You can do this if your spring feels a bit weak when firing the "Hi Speed" stuff and you don't have or want to get another spring.



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