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GT bullets

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GT bullets Empty GT bullets

Post by Buck13 1/27/2023, 10:46 am

Anyone assessed GT bullets for accuracy and leading?  They're a bit pricey, but have the advantage that many of them seem to be available.  Also nice that they have a 250 pack without much price penalty, so you get enough for a good start but if things don't work out you don't have 400+ unwanted bullets laying around.

I'm actually most interested in their .430 190 grain SWCHP to put in light target loads for my Redhawk, but their .452 SWCs would also be useful.


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Join date : 2018-05-23

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GT bullets Empty Re: GT bullets

Post by Upper40 6/12/2023, 7:07 am

A little late responding ...but with their 130 grain lead HP bullets (.358) in 38 spl I'm getting 1-1/2" 50 yard double action groups. In a 7" S&W 686 revolver.


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Location : NY 12919

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GT bullets Empty Re: GT bullets

Post by messenger 6/12/2023, 5:26 pm

They're 145gr .357dia LHP is the most accurate bullet I have tested in my 38 super. I have never tried they're 45's.


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