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Ammo shortage explanation

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Ammo shortage explanation Empty Ammo shortage explanation

Post by croesler 2/18/2023, 9:17 am

Super interesting article on ammo supplies during and after COVID:

Here's What the Ammo Shortage Revealed About the Industry (msn.com)


Would have liked to see explanation of why CCI SV went from "gold standard" to "s--t product in a new box" but at least they changed the box so can separate wheat from chaff

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Ammo shortage explanation Empty Re: Ammo shortage explanation

Post by Orion 2/18/2023, 9:46 am

Are the new batches of CCI SV ammo boxes a lighter blue?

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Ammo shortage explanation Empty "Old" vs. "New"

Post by croesler 2/18/2023, 10:00 am

Old is the darker box. Not sure what the exact cutoff was but around 2020.

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Ammo shortage explanation Empty Re: Ammo shortage explanation

Post by RADJAG 2/18/2023, 10:19 am

I read the article - it mostly relates to rifle calibers and hunting - about which I know nothing and don't care about anyhow.

The bottom line is that the ammunition industry in general (in the USA) seems to have totally underestimated and under-tooled the primer line production lines. For a long time!

Ammunition is not the only industry that faces this "critical supply line problem". I am retired and don't have to face "management issues" any more and, no doubt, the bigger story is complex and there is no single comment or answer. But, it seems to be very clear that the USA (and all of the western "alliance") need to totally re-evaluate their supply chains. Not just for strategic essentials like ammunition, but for everything that a modern society demands.

The days of a 90% China goods supplied Dollar Tree might be numbered.

You might have read it here first!

And, yes, JB, I'm not yet back in USA, so you can't deport me!


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Ammo shortage explanation Empty Re: Ammo shortage explanation

Post by PhotoEscape 2/18/2023, 10:42 am

Very first phrase of this article: "....some of what Morehouse calls “crazy-ass” dynamics stem from supply-chain uncertainties and binge buying fueled by the Covid-19 pandemic." immediately tells me that the whole article is nothing more but a PROPAGANDA!  Not a single word regarding other then "some" reasons, reasons that are more prevailing over stated in opening statement.  Not a single word about millions of new shooters buying guns due to cancel and de-fund movements, - these shooters need ammo.  Estimated demand driven by new shooters is in hundreds of billion (B) rounds.  Using Covid-19 as a reason for "binge buying" is nothing short of being outrageous LIE!  I can understand when people are stocking up on toilet paper, drinking water and other first necessity items.  Ammunition is not such a thing......, at least these days when majority of us is hunting in supermarkets and other groceries stores.  I would believe the author if we were back in 1775 and British were coming to take ball and powder from the hands of our ancestors!  Or....... maybe they are coming again?  That would be compelling reason, I believe, for many Americans to stock up. 

My 2 pennies.


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Ammo shortage explanation Empty Re: Ammo shortage explanation

Post by Eindecker 2/19/2023, 9:34 pm

it is an artificial shortage. 

plain and simple. 

they switch over to making 9mm and 40 sw and everything else becomes scarce.. 

dont forget that the majority of the ammunition companies are now owned by a conglomerate consiting of people who are anit gun, anti gun ownership


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Ammo shortage explanation Empty Re: Ammo shortage explanation

Post by Fessor 2/21/2023, 12:39 pm

Glad I have a good supply od older CCI SV. It shoots great in my HS Victor.


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Ammo shortage explanation Empty Re: Ammo shortage explanation

Post by denpython 3/31/2023, 7:44 pm

Yeah this post is a reminder of how CCI has become spotty.

I also have a good supply of 'old' SV .


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Ammo shortage explanation Empty Winchester 9mm cases at Oaks, PA gun show 3/31/2023

Post by Gustavo1957 4/1/2023, 7:01 am

Ammo shortage explanation 9mm_wi11


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Ammo shortage explanation Empty Re: Ammo shortage explanation

Post by 10sandxs 4/1/2023, 11:40 am

Things are getting better. My lgs has WLP primers... 50+ CASES. Plus the full endcap on the floor display. All for the low low price of $100/brick... (did the sarcasm come through?)


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Ammo shortage explanation Empty Re: Ammo shortage explanation

Post by bruce martindale 4/1/2023, 12:27 pm

We got bupkis! Haven't seen LP here since pre pandemic

bruce martindale

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