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Zero or HAP for .45?

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Zero or HAP for .45? Empty Zero or HAP for .45?

Post by Buck13 2/18/2023, 10:49 am

I have some coated 185 gr SWCs in hand, and some lead SWCs on order, but I'm getting a little tired of the fiddly nature of loading soft bullets, and the amount of lead and lube on my hands from non-coated.  Thinking of trying to go all-JHP, at least for auto pistols.

I see 185 Zeros are available with or without skives for about 18 cents a pop, and 185 HAPs for 23 cents.  Price difference isn't a problem, although the HAPs come in an inconveniently large box (probably more than a lifetime supply, at the rate I'm shooting).

Are any of these worthy for shooting at 50 yards?


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Zero or HAP for .45? Empty Re: Zero or HAP for .45?

Post by SingleActionAndrew 2/18/2023, 11:36 am

Zeros are proven and just happen to also be more affordable

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Zero or HAP for .45? Empty Re: Zero or HAP for .45?

Post by james r chapman 2/18/2023, 3:18 pm

Zero’s are more the standard jhp for .45
Although the HAP’s are equally accurate.
Just need to load the HAPs a bit more carefully due to their
Shorter bearing surfaces
james r chapman
james r chapman

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Zero or HAP for .45? Empty Re: Zero or HAP for .45?

Post by Buck13 2/19/2023, 8:41 am

james r chapman wrote:Zero’s are more the standard jhp for .45
Although the HAP’s are equally accurate.
Just need to load the HAPs a bit more carefully due to their
Shorter bearing surfaces
I have a Hornady seating die coming.  I was having trouble getting bullets really straight and spending a lot of time trying, so I hope that will square them up and also go faster.

Do the Zeros with or without skives make much difference?  I don't need expansion, of course, so whichever feeds better...


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Zero or HAP for .45? Empty Re: Zero or HAP for .45?

Post by Single_handed 2/19/2023, 4:20 pm

The Zero R-187’s seem to be the go-to (the conical hollow points, non skived). Nosler has “updated” their 185 JHP custom competition to “ASP” OR ASSURED STOPPING POWER.  same part number so the last 500 bulleta I bought arrived as a surprise. So I too am going the Zero route. Not sure the new nosler as are any less accurate. But I feel like they “fixed” what wasn’t broken for us “X” chasers

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Zero or HAP for .45? Empty Re: Zero or HAP for .45?

Post by WesG 2/26/2023, 11:46 am

What was 'broken' is the ratio of Bullseye shooters to the run and gun crowd. They 'need' the skives, and they likely aren't going to make any difference to us.


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Zero or HAP for .45? Empty Re: Zero or HAP for .45?

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