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Red dot question/advice

John Dervis
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Red dot question/advice Empty Red dot question/advice

Post by CentralPA22 2/20/2023, 6:34 pm

Looking at purchasing a red dot for the local 22 rimfire league. Any thoughts on the Ultra dot match dot? Currently Shooting a Hawke Reflex dot. Thoughts/opinions? Thank you


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Red dot question/advice Empty Re: Red dot question/advice

Post by shoot308 2/20/2023, 7:12 pm

Ultradot is pretty much the standard. Aimpoints are the top end but you pay for them in comparison.


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Red dot question/advice Empty Re: Red dot question/advice

Post by CentralPA22 2/20/2023, 9:34 pm

Shooting a bullseye league


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Red dot question/advice Empty Re: Red dot question/advice

Post by John Dervis 2/20/2023, 10:03 pm

For the money, Ultradots are great. They are durable and reliable. I haven’t used dots in 10-12 years now but when I did, Ultradots were what I used as well as most everyone I knew.


John Dervis

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Red dot question/advice Empty Re: Red dot question/advice

Post by SteveT 2/20/2023, 10:24 pm

The Matchdot is one of the heavier dots available. That can be good or bad depending on you.

As mentioned UltraDots were almost universal in Bullseye in the past. The Aimpoint Micro and the many knockoffs are making significant inroads so that maybe half the dots on the line are now UD and most of the rest are AP Micro's or look-alikes. A few people swear by Aimpoint 9000's, which are even heavier than the Matchdot.

The quality and battery life of real Aimpoints are very very good, but at a price 3-5 times higher than most of the other scopes.

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Red dot question/advice Empty Re: Red dot question/advice

Post by rburk 2/20/2023, 11:19 pm

I have a Sightron S30 on my model 41, it is fairly heavy.  So far it has been a good red dot.  It is advertised as a 5 moa dot, but it is more like a 2 moa dot.


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Red dot question/advice Empty Re: Red dot question/advice

Post by RADJAG 2/21/2023, 3:43 am

The roundest, clearest dot I have ever seen is in a 1" UD. The cheapest model, 4moa. But I had reliability problems, probably not UD's fault, and moved on.

I've tried just about every brand/type. At VERY significant expense. Not convinced that any of them are significantly better than that original 1" UD. Ho hum.

For a new entrant, a 1" UD is a great start. Make sure to locate the rings close to the body, not at the tube ends.


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Red dot question/advice Empty Re: Red dot question/advice

Post by SteveT 2/21/2023, 9:05 am

RADJAG wrote:The roundest, clearest dot I have ever seen is in a 1" UD. 
You are lucky. All my UD have some level of distortion. Most have a slightly negative magnification and less than perfectly round dots. Nothing that affects my shooting, but not perfect.

All my Aimpoints are much clearer. Exactly 1 magnification and have pretty much perfect dots. The only weird thing is the electronics is visible in the lower right corner. That took a little time to get used to, but now I don't see it anymore.

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Red dot question/advice Empty Re: Red dot question/advice

Post by Fessor 2/21/2023, 11:31 am

Matchdot seems to be the way to go.


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Red dot question/advice Empty Re: Red dot question/advice

Post by Rodger Barthlow 2/21/2023, 1:28 pm

I've used UDs since I started shooting Competition. Could not justify the price of the Aim points and the extra weight on the guns. 
I used the original 1" UDs and still have a few that I didn't trade in to Larry Carter for new ones. I plan on having the older UD's refurbish under their life time warranty.
 I have both, the 1" Four dot is lighter than the 30mm match dot and I prefer the Four Dot for that reason.
Rodger Barthlow
Rodger Barthlow

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Red dot question/advice Empty Sig Romeo5 or Holosun HS403B

Post by Russ OR 2/21/2023, 8:20 pm

I use, and like, the Sig Romeo5s and Holosun HS403Bs. Have them on everything except my 45 slide. - And not on the Pardini w/ the tiny grooves.
These sights are on sale often for $120±. Caution, if shopping anywhere besldes known, trusted companies - on accounta there are knock-offs.

Russ OR

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Red dot question/advice Empty Re: Red dot question/advice

Post by mikemyers 2/22/2023, 4:21 pm

I've got Ultradot 30mm, Ultradot one inch, Ultradot L/T, and Aimpoint H1 and H2.  I've also got one or two brand-x sights that you can have for free if you pay the shipping.  Not sure if I still have both.

Ultradot 30mm is excellent, but for the negative magnification.
Ultradot L/T is much lighter, but it's a different style sight, not a tube.
Ultradot 1 inch is the best of the lot in many ways, but has negative magnification.
The Aimpoint H-1 and H-2 sights are both awesome - probably the best.

I really like the Vortex Venom sight - small, light, lifetime warranty, and perfect.

Dave Salyer sold me on the 1" Ultradot long ago.  The Aimpoints are probably better, but that small, long, 1" sight works the best for me.

I expect the 30mm Ultradot and the L/T will both be listed for sale here in the forum before the end of this week.

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