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Badman Bullets

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Badman Bullets  Empty Badman Bullets

Post by Hvacguy76 2/27/2023, 6:49 pm

Good evening

New to the forum. A lot of great stuff from a lot of great people. Thanks for sharing the knowledge. 

Has anyone had experience with badman bullets for 45 auto?

Many thanks


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Join date : 2023-02-19
Location : Norfolk, VA

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Badman Bullets  Empty I've had good luck with them

Post by 4th Corner Traveler 2/28/2023, 1:32 am

I have shot the 45 bullets in both my 1911 and Revolvers with good success.

I have also had good luck with the 38 and 32 caliber bullets.

Also, if I remember, you can purchase them "as cast" and size them yourself.

Good Luck and welcome to the Forum!
4th Corner Traveler
4th Corner Traveler

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Join date : 2022-08-02
Location : Just south of the Border, WA

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