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Eye Doctors - North Florida reccomendations?

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Eye Doctors - North Florida reccomendations? Empty Eye Doctors - North Florida reccomendations?

Post by FimRire RongLifle Tue Feb 28, 2023 12:37 pm

Long shot possibly but looking for any references to eye doctors that have been helpful for shooting sports.  Gainesville through Jacksonville to cast the widest net I can.
FimRire RongLifle
FimRire RongLifle

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Eye Doctors - North Florida reccomendations? Empty Re: Eye Doctors - North Florida reccomendations?

Post by shootingsight Wed Mar 01, 2023 9:22 am

What is the issue you are trying to solve?  If it is simply presbiopia and inability to see the front sight, that issue has been discussed ad-nauseum here, and the science of lenses is pretty well understood.  For that issue, all you need is a recent 'distance vision' prescription (ie a regular prescription), with no need to even mention shooting, and the math to tweek it for shooting is discussed here.


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Eye Doctors - North Florida reccomendations? Empty Re: Eye Doctors - North Florida reccomendations?

Post by FimRire RongLifle Wed Mar 01, 2023 10:08 am

I can see the front sight I was looking for any references to get lenses done for champion frames. Actually it's someone good to work with for my non dominant eye also. I just don't like where I went the last few times for optimizing prescription so if I'm going to look around I was hoping for a reference that correlated with shooting sports.
If anyone knows where I can get the round 32/42mm lense cut online that's cool too for a start.
FimRire RongLifle
FimRire RongLifle

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