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Air Pistol Finals at Camp Perry?

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Air Pistol Finals at Camp Perry? Empty Air Pistol Finals at Camp Perry?

Post by Oleg G 3/8/2023, 8:12 am

I have registered for the Air Pistol National Match at Camp Perry on July 14-15. Looking at the schedule, I could not find the date for the Finals match. Assuming that the finals will be run on Sunday, July 16th, I called the CMP Competitions department and the very nice lady there said that my assumption SHOULD be correct. She agreed that the Finals match was nowhere to be found on the published schedule. She promised me an answer next week, so stay tuned.

This is important to arrange the trip logistics: those who hope to make it into the finals, should know when it is to place correct accommodations reservation.

Best Regards,
Oleg G
Oleg G

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Location : North-Eastern PA

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Air Pistol Finals at Camp Perry? Empty Re: Air Pistol Finals at Camp Perry?

Post by bruce martindale 3/8/2023, 8:17 am

They didn't have finals before but last year had new matches but at an inconvenient time. A lot of people have to get back to work

bruce martindale

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Air Pistol Finals at Camp Perry? Empty Re: Air Pistol Finals at Camp Perry?

Post by John Dervis 3/8/2023, 8:13 pm

Last year they threw in a 2 man Air Pistol Team Match at the last minute that was on Saturday.  In that case everyone shot the preliminary match first around 1:00 and the top 15?? Teams made it to finals which was shot afterwards.  Last year there were only 13 teams so everyone made the finals.  We were done that day which was important to me because I was going home that day.  It was the same confusion though because I asked both the range personnel and the entry people and each one of them told me to ask the other.  I finally found the person in charge at the range that was able to explain that the two man match would be done and over with on Saturday. 
The originally scheduled championship was shot on Sun and Monday I think.  That might be the match you are signing up for.  I'm pretty sure the finals are on day 2.

Please publish the answer you get from CMP.  That might help people with their planning.


John Dervis

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Air Pistol Finals at Camp Perry? Empty Re: Air Pistol Finals at Camp Perry?

Post by Oleg G 3/22/2023, 2:53 pm

I have received a reply from CMP. The finals match will be conducted on July 15th, immediately following the second 60-shots qualification match. The awards ceremony will take place after the finals.

Best Regards,
Oleg G
Oleg G

Posts : 609
Join date : 2016-05-12
Location : North-Eastern PA

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Air Pistol Finals at Camp Perry? Empty Re: Air Pistol Finals at Camp Perry?

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