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1moa vs 2moa

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1moa vs 2moa Empty 1moa vs 2moa

Post by jshank 3/11/2023, 6:41 am

Hi, Ian curious to know if anyone has tried a 1MOA dot on their 22 bullseye pistol.  Presently I have an Aimpoint H1 2.0 MOA but was considering trying a Trijicon SRO 1.0MOA.  Any thoughts?


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1moa vs 2moa Empty Re: 1moa vs 2moa

Post by DA/SA 3/11/2023, 8:04 am

Well. if you compare dot sizes looking through various scopes, a 4 MOA Ultradot is far larger than a 5MOA Sightron, but the 5 MOA Sightron looks to be about the same size as the 2 MOA Ultradot, which is smaller than the 2 MOA Aimpoint which is somewhere between the 2MOA and 4 MOA Ultradot.

So there is no telling how a 1 MOA Trigicon actually  fits in!

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1moa vs 2moa Empty Re: 1moa vs 2moa

Post by JHHolliday 3/11/2023, 8:53 am

I've been meaning to ask a related question: What dot size do you want and why? Does size matter?

I would think a small / pin-point dot would allow more precise aiming, but if so why do some choose 4-5 moa dots that almost cover the black?  With a small dot is the wobble more distracting?

I recently got shooting glasses for irons (Rx + 0.75D for dominant eye).  They blur/enlarge my Sightron dot (which looks small and round with distance-vision corrective lenses) but I don't shoot worse with the larger smudge, maybe even better.



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1moa vs 2moa Empty Re: 1moa vs 2moa

Post by BE Mike 3/11/2023, 9:33 am

JHHolliday wrote:I've been meaning to ask a related question: What dot size do you want and why? Does size matter?

I would think a small / pin-point dot would allow more precise aiming, but if so why do some choose 4-5 moa dots that almost cover the black?  With a small dot is the wobble more distracting?

I recently got shooting glasses for irons (Rx + 0.75D for dominant eye).  They blur/enlarge my Sightron dot (which looks small and round with distance-vision corrective lenses) but I don't shoot worse with the larger smudge, maybe even better.


Different strokes for different folks. I suppose that's why the UltraDot MatchDot has different sizes to choose from.
BE Mike
BE Mike

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1moa vs 2moa Empty Re: 1moa vs 2moa

Post by Wobbley 3/11/2023, 2:38 pm

I’m not sure that smaller is better in pistol. In rifle, maybe.  I do know that 6MOA is borderline too big for me.  I have a variable size matchdot and I usually use a small dot but have tried bigger.   Ut 1moa might be so hard to see unless turnuped up very bright.  I find bright dots tend to flare.

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1moa vs 2moa Empty Re: 1moa vs 2moa

Post by RADJAG 3/11/2023, 4:00 pm

Not all dots measure up the same! In my experience Aimpoint 4moa dots are close to an Ultradot 2moa. An Aimpoint 2moa (and many of the micro style; Romeo, etc.) have rather small size dots (especially the H1/H2 models). The size increases with brightness setting, but (for my sad old eyes at least) the dot then "flares".

YMMV, but I never saw a UD 4 or even 6 moa come close to obscuring the black on any conventional target. However, I do agree with Wobbley that 6moa is too big for most Bullseye shooters.

Almost counterintuitively I am now finding that I prefer a smaller dot for TF/RF, because I see the X on a 25 yard target and like to "bounce" the dot onto that mark every time - of course, after 10 X's, the mark usually disappears, but I can live with that😂🤣😂🤣😜

But, my eyes see things differently every day or hour, so what do I know?


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