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Is this online vendor legit? OutdoorSportman.com

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Is this online vendor legit? OutdoorSportman.com Empty Is this online vendor legit? OutdoorSportman.com

Post by RoyDean Mon Mar 13, 2023 3:29 pm

The are offering an item that is not available anywhere else I can find. And at a good price. Too good to be true?

Their website security looks OK, but they make this statement on their home page:-

"OutdoorSportman.com is the largest online affiliate/retailers of Hunting Equipment, Hunting Apparel, Fishing Gear, Archery & Shooting Optical Equipment in the United States. Operating in Arizona, and partnered with some of the best outdoor gear manufacturers across the nation. An innovative site merging content and commerce, OutdoorSportman.com provides its visitors with outdoor life style inspiration and seamless shopping, powered by a global search engine with access to over 3 million products from the best stores and brands across the web."

Then on their Customer Service page there is a Cabela's image and all of the text is in Latin!

Is this online vendor legit? OutdoorSportman.com Outdoo10

But I really want this item - and they say they accept PayPal - so I tried to add the item to the cart and proceed. Does not work. Gotta be a scam.

If anyone has used this vendor successfully please let me know.


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Is this online vendor legit? OutdoorSportman.com Empty Re: Is this online vendor legit? OutdoorSportman.com

Post by Pinetree Mon Mar 13, 2023 4:06 pm

Looks very sketchy to me.

I tried to add an item to the cart, but got a bunch of Cabela's stuff, also at the bottom of each page is "© 2014"


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Is this online vendor legit? OutdoorSportman.com Empty Re: Is this online vendor legit? OutdoorSportman.com

Post by popchevy Mon Mar 13, 2023 6:56 pm

This is what I got.        Sorry for the inconvenience, but we no longer advertise for Cabela's, and are still in the process of converting some of our older links.
Hmmmm makes ya wonder ?


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Is this online vendor legit? OutdoorSportman.com Empty Re: Is this online vendor legit? OutdoorSportman.com

Post by Pinetree Mon Mar 13, 2023 6:59 pm

Same here.. and I tried two different browsers.


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Is this online vendor legit? OutdoorSportman.com Empty Re: Is this online vendor legit? OutdoorSportman.com

Post by straybrit Mon Mar 13, 2023 8:04 pm

The 'ipsum lorum' stuff is a standard text block that web devs cut'n'paste as an indicative space filler to show what the final result will look like.

Anyone who puts a live site up with that is at least one of
Looking for suckers

If they can't get that right then getting a payment processor interface up is not going to happen. There's a reason shopify (and their ilk) exist - to provide all the plumbing.

Is there a way to find out if paypal have a refunded payments record of them (or any record at all come to that)?

If it were my money it certainly wouldn't be going anywhere near them without a great deal supporting evidence.


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Is this online vendor legit? OutdoorSportman.com Empty Re: Is this online vendor legit? OutdoorSportman.com

Post by GME Mon Mar 13, 2023 8:35 pm

Ya know what's really odd about this one?  If they are scammers, why aren't they trying to take your money?  Something smells wrong, but I can't put my finger on it?  I tried a number of items, and before they got in the cart, I got the 'no longer advertising for Cabela's' others have gotten.  Appears this outfit I've never heard of is no longer doing business - if it ever was.

I did some searching, but couldn't find a brick and mortar location for this business name.  I also checked the Arizona Corporation Commission (I believe most states list corporations, LLCs and the like at the Sec. of State's office).  The Arizona Commission has no record of Outdoor Sportman, or Outdoorsportman.com.  I tried some broader searches, which produced some business names.  None looked right, though.

I tried the Call Center number on the site in whitepages.com.  No listing.   I tried to do a browser search on the phone number, like I sometimes do with persistent spam calls.  No hits.

Curiouser and curiouser.

The only only other thing I can think of trying is calling the Business phone number.  I'll leave that to Roy or others to take this further, if it seems worth the effort.

Sorry, Roy.  I doubt you are going to get your 'special item.'


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