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Pic/Weaver rail with dovetail to fit the S&W 41's with the extendable front sight barrel channel without drilling

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Pic/Weaver rail with dovetail to fit the S&W 41's with the extendable front sight barrel channel without drilling Empty Pic/Weaver rail with dovetail to fit the S&W 41's with the extendable front sight barrel channel without drilling

Post by tomd999 Mon Mar 20, 2023 4:49 pm

Hi All,

Has anyone made one or know of someone that has? I don't want to drill the barrel as I want to be able to swap the rail out for irons now and then. I measured the included angle of the dovetail on a comparator, 105 degrees (70-35) which isn't a standard type cutter so I'm thinking of simply cutting a small slot at 90 degrees then using set screws to draw the rail up into the dovetail. Any ideas? 

Thanks in advance,


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Join date : 2017-02-26

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Pic/Weaver rail with dovetail to fit the S&W 41's with the extendable front sight barrel channel without drilling Empty Re: Pic/Weaver rail with dovetail to fit the S&W 41's with the extendable front sight barrel channel without drilling

Post by WesG Tue Mar 21, 2023 4:28 pm

Boring bar with a hand ground 'lathe' cutter in the spindle. Needs a lot of relief on it. I think I spun ground one, and hand ground the relief from there. Or extended it from the bar so it had radial relief.

Or tip the head and mill the sides with a small endmill. The relief cuts into the rail won't be a problem.

Not able to wrap my brain around a dovetail wider than 90°, or how 70-35 comes out of that.


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Location : Cedar Park, TX - N CA

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