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22 Ammo in stock at Champion's Choice

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22 Ammo in stock at Champion's Choice - Page 2 Empty 22 Ammo in stock at Champion's Choice

Post by Guest 11/14/2013, 5:59 pm

First topic message reminder :

Looks like they have almost 2,000 boxes of RWS Target Rifle in stock.




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22 Ammo in stock at Champion's Choice - Page 2 Empty Re: 22 Ammo in stock at Champion's Choice

Post by Colt711 1/26/2014, 7:40 pm

NRA has published the reason for the ammo shortage is shooter demand and hoarding. In our case doubling ammo purchases would be prudence rather than hoarding BUT from the posts I see here and what I hear from a cross section of shooters when working at the range the hoarders are keeping out of my sight.

This situation has existed to at least some extent for 5 yrs and seems to be worsening. During '13 there were rumors of more ammo appearing but lately it has been order cancellations and a notice by CMP that wait time is increasing a lot and prices that in the past were fixed at the time of order are no longer.

Here's hoping,

Ron Habegger


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22 Ammo in stock at Champion's Choice - Page 2 Empty Re: 22 Ammo in stock at Champion's Choice

Post by dronning 1/27/2014, 6:18 pm

Hopefully things will be better soon and remember the expansion at the Remington plant will be finished Q2 this year.

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22 Ammo in stock at Champion's Choice - Page 2 Empty Re: 22 Ammo in stock at Champion's Choice

Post by Fire Escape 2/2/2014, 9:12 am

Colt711 wrote:NRA has published the reason for the ammo shortage is shooter demand and hoarding. In our case doubling ammo purchases would be prudence rather than hoarding BUT from the posts I see here and what I hear from a cross section of shooters when working at the range the hoarders are keeping out of my sight.

This situation has existed to at least some extent for 5 yrs and seems to be worsening. During '13 there were rumors of more ammo appearing but lately it has been order cancellations and a notice by CMP that wait time is increasing a lot and prices that in the past were fixed at the time of order are no longer.

Here's hoping,

Ron Habegger

Having read that article (and several others that name the same 'causes'), I keep wondering who all these 'hoarders' are and why with my circle of shooting friends and fellow shooting club members, I don't know any hoarders. All the active shooters I know are either struggling to maintain some stock that will allow them to continue shooting at the same volume as before (in other words no net increase in buying) or they are in a few cases 'riding out the storm' on reserves acquired several years ago when they found a 'quantity deal' (don't see that happening much any more.) My own buying (talking rimfire here since I can not reload that) was always to buy a case of whatever seemed to work well (and that I could afford), shoot it for a year or so and then look for another of the same or find something new for another case. Plinking ammo was bought a brick or two at a time based on what was on sale.
No one of my acquaintance has closets full of ammo, the more serious shooters were quicker to notice the trend of 'unavailability' and try to find stock but many of the others (including me to some extent) had been slow to notice because it wasn't yet time to buy more. So...... who are all these hoarders and do you actually know any?


Fire Escape

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22 Ammo in stock at Champion's Choice - Page 2 Empty Re: 22 Ammo in stock at Champion's Choice

Post by dronning 2/2/2014, 10:02 am

My take on availability issue is the main problem is being cause by ALL gun owners.  People that went through maybe a 100 rounds a year plinking and restocked the day they ran out or were close to running out are now buying 200-500 rounds when they find them available.  This can hardly be called hoarding but you multiply that times millions of gun owners and you have demand that far out strips supply.  Yes there are hoarders but the biggest impact to availability is the average shooter buying to have some ammo on hand verses relying on the store to have it in stock.

I usually bought a case when on sale and usually wouldn't start looking until I was down to my last 1 or 2 bricks.  Now with 5 bricks left I recently bought a case when I found one available.  I have essentially more than doubled my safety stock, not really hoarding but still helping fuel the shortage.  

It is human nature that when anything is marked limit 5 per person, people will tend to buy 5 even if they don't need or want 5.  When I was in sporting goods retail we used that tactic to clear excess inventory.  Unfortunately it works against you when you have a real shortage.

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