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Red dot question.

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Red dot question. Empty Red dot question.

Post by RNS10X 4/22/2023, 1:30 am

Greetings, I have a couple matchdot ultra dots and a few other red dots. A friend suggested that it was better to advance the power dial full circle rather than a
back and forth motion on the dial . So power up to 5, advance 6-11 to power off . Not power up to 5 and 4-0 to power off. Yes, no, maybe so? Thanks


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Red dot question. Empty Re: Red dot question.

Post by SteveT 4/22/2023, 1:49 am

Yes. That is a good idea. There is a screw ring under the battery. If you turn the dial "backwards" a lot it can unscrew and cause a failure. If a dot every goes out on the line the first thing I suggest is spinning the dial around several times. Two times it's fixed it. Usually it doesn't.

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Red dot question. Empty Re: Red dot question.

Post by Froneck 4/23/2023, 4:15 pm

I've taken a few red dots that have the dial such Ultradots apart. You can turn the dial as many times as you want but it will not help. Vibration causes that ring to loosen and it only holds the circuit board in, the circuit board is keyed so it will not turn to prevent the brightness from changing numbers. In most cases there is a few small screw that attach the knob and must be tighten to get the brightness knob snug. Little loctite prevents that from happening again. So no matter how you rotate the knob it will do nothing to cause the knob to loosen.


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