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Old ball gun rehabilitated

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Old ball gun rehabilitated Empty Old ball gun rehabilitated

Post by PMcfall 5/23/2023, 11:08 am

My old ball gun that I had shot thousands upon thousands of full bore hardball back when thats what we had to shoot got to the point it would hardly hold an 8 1/2x11 sheet of paper.  It was originally built for me by Sandy Garrett in 1982 and provided many years of excellent accuracy.  Sent it in to Dave Salyer.  Dave retightened it, refit the same Barsto barrel with a new slide stop pin and bushing.  Took it out with my Ransom Rest and tested 6 different lots of Federal Gold Medal Match 185 gr ammo at 50 yards.  All held 10 ring and the group below won the day!  Bad news is that now its all up to me  Shocked

Thanks for the great work Dave!
Old ball gun rehabilitated 7-2

Posts : 396
Join date : 2011-06-16
Location : St. Joseph, MO

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Old ball gun rehabilitated Empty Re: Old ball gun rehabilitated

Post by Allen Barnett 5/23/2023, 9:01 pm

Sure, is a shooter, for sure!!!

Allen Barnett

Posts : 524
Join date : 2012-10-22
Age : 68
Location : Central Missouri

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