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mount for Pardini GT45

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mount for Pardini GT45 Empty mount for Pardini GT45

Post by impalanut Tue May 30, 2023 5:01 pm

I looked on the Pardini website and found it not helpful/confusing. There appears to be more than one choice for mounts. I want to put my Aimpoint micro h2 on my GT 45. Spoke with Alex at Pardini and he was not too helpful and said he wasn't familiar with that dot sight and needed to do some research.
If anyone has put an aimpoint micro on a GT 45 and can tell me which mount to use that would be much appreciated.
Also , if anyone has a short trigger for the GT45 that they aren't using, I would like that also, since they no longer make them at Pardini.
Is there another source?
Thanks for any assistance


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Join date : 2019-08-25

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