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Erma ESP 85A firing pin help needed

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Erma ESP 85A firing pin help needed Empty Erma ESP 85A firing pin help needed

Post by Wes Lorenz 7/16/2023, 6:28 pm

I am looking for someone with an ERMA ESP 85A. I'd like a dimensional picture or drawing of 32 firing pin. I made a fixture for milling the safety notch in the correct place, but the cutout for the stop pin does not work in my pistol.
I think I may have a newer slide and old style firing pins as the stop pin doesn't allow the pin to protrude pas the firing pin stop.
Thank you,
Wes Lorenz
Wes Lorenz

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Erma ESP 85A firing pin help needed Empty Re: Erma ESP 85A firing pin help needed

Post by ermakevin 7/20/2023, 9:52 pm

Wes, ill take my Erma apart and measure the firing pin. you made some parts for me for the Erma about 10 years ago. ill try to help you out this time.
ill reply by this weekend
another question, what do you use for firing pin spring as well as the hammer springs for the Erma??? 

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Erma ESP 85A firing pin help needed Empty Re: Erma ESP 85A firing pin help needed

Post by Wes Lorenz 7/21/2023, 2:35 pm

PM sent
Wes Lorenz
Wes Lorenz

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Erma ESP 85A firing pin help needed Empty Re: Erma ESP 85A firing pin help needed

Post by RoadKingRon 11/18/2024, 11:14 am


  I just broke the firing pin on my Erma 85A 32 cal.

Before I start disassemble=y can you offer any tips for taking the slide apart?

thanks in advance for any help you can give me.



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Erma ESP 85A firing pin help needed Empty Re: Erma ESP 85A firing pin help needed

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