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bullet diameter

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bullet diameter Empty bullet diameter

Post by Eindecker 7/31/2023, 10:01 pm

my lil gun loves speer 148 hbwc, they sized correctly, at .360

Hunter Supply dewc, listed as .357 on the website slide through like warm bacon grease through a beagle..

Why do companies keep making cast bullets at small diameters


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bullet diameter Empty Re: bullet diameter

Post by james r chapman 8/1/2023, 5:09 am

All my Speers were .357-358???

Revolver or semi??
james r chapman
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bullet diameter Empty Re: bullet diameter

Post by Steve B 8/1/2023, 3:03 pm

It'll depend on the gun.  My Manurhin MR38 has a .356 bore with .358 cylinder throats, .357 lead bullets are perfect.

Steve B

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bullet diameter Empty Re: bullet diameter

Post by Eindecker 8/1/2023, 3:39 pm

revolver, who wants a semi auto... 

my chamber throats have no issue keeping speer ".360" diameter  HBWC from fallin through but .357 diametered cast slugs drop through.. 

its annoying when a company is advertising cast bullets in "38 special caliber" but are only doing as .357 ie jacketed dimensions when anyone with google can read up "cast needs to be bigger then jacketed diameter"


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bullet diameter Empty Re: bullet diameter

Post by Wobbley 8/1/2023, 3:51 pm

And the great unwashed chime in with “Why are you selling oversized bullets? Everyone else makes them .357.”

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bullet diameter Empty Re: bullet diameter

Post by james r chapman 8/1/2023, 6:30 pm

So, accurately measured, what are your chamber throat diameters
james r chapman
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bullet diameter Empty Re: bullet diameter

Post by S148 8/1/2023, 7:30 pm

SAAMI specs for a 38 Spl lead bullet are 0.359 - 0.003. Thus anything between .356 and .359 is within spec.

SAAMI specs for 38 Spl Match lead bullets is 0.360 - 0.003. Thus anything between .357 and .360 is within spec.

SAAMI 38 Spl and 357 Magnum barrel specs are a groove diameter of 0.355 + .004. Thus anything between .355 and .359 is within spec. 



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bullet diameter Empty Re: bullet diameter

Post by james r chapman 8/1/2023, 7:59 pm

Don’t care about Sammie, wondering what the cylinder throat diameters are, if accurately measured.
james r chapman
james r chapman

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bullet diameter Empty Re: bullet diameter

Post by S148 8/1/2023, 8:31 pm

james r chapman wrote:Don’t care about Sammie, wondering what the cylinder throat diameters are, if accurately measured.

I was not directing this to you.  This was directed to the OP who had an issue with bullet size. The bullet diameters he quotes are within SAAMI specifications.


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bullet diameter Empty Re: bullet diameter

Post by Jon Eulette 8/1/2023, 8:55 pm

Eindecker wrote:revolver, who wants a semi auto... 
Hmmm, revolvers are second fiddle around hear and most likely 3rd chair if lucky.

“But as for me and my household, we shoot the semiautomatic “ Jon 24:15
Jon Eulette
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bullet diameter Empty Re: bullet diameter

Post by Steve B 8/3/2023, 11:44 am

Just our of curiosity why are you complaining about the bullet diameter?  Looking on their website Hunter Supply lists them as being .357".

Steve B

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bullet diameter Empty Re: bullet diameter

Post by djperry2 8/3/2023, 3:23 pm

Brazos Bullet Company lists 38 bullets available in sizes from .356 to .359. They offer 5 lb sample packs to be able to try different sizes and styles before purchasing larger quantities.
I have used the WC and the TC in 38, both 125 gr RN 9mm, and a bunch of the 160 gr SWC in 45.

Brazos is a forum sponsor and has a link at the top of the home page.

NFI. Just a satisfied user since 2019.



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bullet diameter Empty Re: bullet diameter

Post by Cmysix 8/14/2023, 4:54 pm

I  just really wish you would not test your bullets on a Beagle, remember no animal testing!

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bullet diameter Empty Re: bullet diameter

Post by Cmysix 8/14/2023, 4:57 pm

Steve B wrote:Just our of curiosity why are you complaining about the bullet diameter?  Looking on their website Hunter Supply lists them as being .357".
one of the most accurate wadcutters made from what I am told was a Remington wadcutter, just lead with an x pattern on the outside it's diameter was .359, a little more squeeze thru the rifling makes them more accurate.

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Post by DA/SA 8/15/2023, 7:28 am

Cmysix wrote:one of the most accurate wadcutters made from what I am told was a Remington wadcutter, just lead with an x pattern on the outside it's diameter was .359, a little more squeeze thru the rifling makes them more accurate.

bullet diameter 6SgTig6l

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bullet diameter Empty Re: bullet diameter

Post by S148 8/15/2023, 7:45 am

DA/SA wrote:
Cmysix wrote:one of the most accurate wadcutters made from what I am told was a Remington wadcutter, just lead with an x pattern on the outside it's diameter was .359, a little more squeeze thru the rifling makes them more accurate.

My Remington 148 HBWCs measure between .3610 and .3622 with the lube removed, even though the label says .358" diameter. And they do shoot superbly. 

Midway's old ad for them says they are .360".



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bullet diameter Empty Re: bullet diameter

Post by S148 8/15/2023, 7:55 am

Diameter alone does not make them more accurate, at least in my S&Ws. Speer's HBWC is .001" larger than Hornady's HBWC, but the Speer's shoot bigger groups.


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bullet diameter Empty Re: bullet diameter

Post by DA/SA 8/15/2023, 8:28 am

You are correct. Just measured one and they are .358" back to the first lube groove and then .3605" back to the skirt.

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Post by Cmysix 8/15/2023, 8:38 am

S148 wrote:Diameter alone does not make them more accurate, at least in my S&Ws. Speer's HBWC is .001" larger than Hornady's HBWC, but the Speer's shoot bigger groups.
  I do have a problem grasping the concept of the HBWC, because most bullets are lighter in the tip then the base, the only reason for the HB I can figure is for expansion, kind of like a .177 pellet

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bullet diameter Empty Re: bullet diameter

Post by Wobbley 8/15/2023, 1:02 pm

That was part of it, but the hollow base has an advantage.  With the center of gravity forward, the bullet will tend to “weathervane” and fly “point” forward.  The aerodynamics of a wadcutter are very poor even compared to a “button nose” SWC.  Like a shotgun rifled slug this weathervaning effect is not insignificant. It should also be noted that a small button nose like the H&G #50, the aerodynamics are substantially improved.

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bullet diameter Empty Re: bullet diameter

Post by noylj 8/20/2023, 10:29 am

I find that S&W M52s do best with 0.369" bullets. Grove diameter 0.355-0.357"
The very best bullet was the least expensive--Remington 148 gn L-HBWC
The only lead bullet rule that has always worked for diameter at least 0.001" over actual measured groove diameter.
Also, in my guns, when I cast my own bullets, the as-cast bullets were more accurate than sized bullets


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bullet diameter Empty Re: bullet diameter

Post by S148 8/20/2023, 12:16 pm

noylj wrote:I find that S&W M52s do best with 0.369" bullets. Grove diameter 0.355-0.357"
The very best bullet was the least expensive--Remington 148 gn L-HBWC
The only lead bullet rule that has always worked for diameter at least 0.001" over actual measured groove diameter.
Also, in my guns, when I cast my own bullets, the as-cast bullets were more accurate than sized bullets

Do you mean .359"  ?

A .369" bullet might be hard to get in the chamber.


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