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What equipment should I upgrade next to improve my average?

bruce martindale
Jon Eulette
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What equipment should I upgrade next to improve my average? Empty What equipment should I upgrade next to improve my average?

Post by shadock 8/1/2023, 2:48 pm

I just finished my third season of rimfire bullseye with a season avg of 277 and a high of 289. I am currently shooting a Mark IV Hunter with a hand me down Millet red dot, Volquartsen trigger kit and 1h grip. My ammo is CCI SV. I would like to get my average above 280 for next season. I just picked up an aimpoint 9000L. I'm am looking for suggestions on equipment (or ammo) that would help me squeak out a few extra points each match. No cost limit here.

I've been reading the forums for a long time and just want to say thanks to everyone for all the knowledge they share.

What equipment should I upgrade next to improve my average? Img20211


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What equipment should I upgrade next to improve my average? Empty Re: What equipment should I upgrade next to improve my average?

Post by mspingeld 8/1/2023, 3:26 pm

If you call a ten and the shot's not a ten, then, perhaps, new equipment is in order. BUT! Most 22's (including yours) can shoot tens all day long. In other words, you have equipment that can shoot 300. 

That being said, if you want new equipment, go for it. Most of us, including me, have tried spending money to buy points.

Warning: If you ask 10 shooters what the best 22 is, your likely to get 10 answers. Try other people's guns if possible and choose by balance and trigger feel.

Good luck!


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What equipment should I upgrade next to improve my average? Empty Re: What equipment should I upgrade next to improve my average?

Post by Wobbley 8/1/2023, 4:13 pm

I concur with Mike.  The only thing to perhaps improve is your dot, but even that is not necessary.  What you might consider is developing a solid cumulative zero.  By cumulative zero, I mean use a large number of shots to establish your true zero.  Shoot 25 shots as well as you can with your arm rested on the bench allowing the gun to recoil as it would with you holding it normally.  Then move the resulting blob where you want.  One thing about 22LR is that if you zero at 25 yards at the top half of the X-ring your 50 yard shots will be at the bottom of the X ring.  So you could just shoot 50 & 25 yards without a sight adjustment.  Yeah you’ll lose a few shots low now and again, but you’ll won’t ever double the input into your sights and really lose zero.

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What equipment should I upgrade next to improve my average? Empty Re: What equipment should I upgrade next to improve my average?

Post by RoyDean 8/1/2023, 6:05 pm

You mention a 9000L - good piece of equipment - but, IMHO not really suitable for your Ruger (The Aimpoint 9000sc is the model typically used by Bullseye shooters). The red dot you have now - assuming that the dot appears round and it is reliable - is a very nice match for your Ruger. (I love Rugers - very reliable and quite accurate). As others have commented, your current equipment is more than good enough and you have already proven that you can shoot Master level scores.

I notice that you have not declared a classification. Is that because there are no clubs near you that run sanctioned matches or leagues? Getting classified and then striving to climb the classification ladder is a great driver.

I would not be too hasty jumping to another gun. If at all possible see if you can try someone else's gun first.

There are advocates on this forum for almost all of the other 22 guns in the market. All of them are indeed capable of shooting High Master scores. If budget is not a serious constraint, then the most popular "advancement" gun for Expert/Master shooters striving to improve is almost certainly the Pardini SP, with whichever red dot you prefer, but, once you switch to an ergonomic grip, that will be another challenge and a Rink or other custom grip is very often almost a must have. I myself have got buried in that rabbit hole and have recently been shooting 1911 style 22's in training just to help me maintain my form with a 45. Most Pardini's are super-reliable, very easy to clean and they hold their value well - probably a safe bet if you do decide to upgrade. If you happen to be in Oregon or Arizona (even Ohio, but I'm leaving here in 2 days!) you are welcome to try my Pardini's or whatever guns I have around at the time.


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What equipment should I upgrade next to improve my average? Empty Re: What equipment should I upgrade next to improve my average?

Post by Merick 8/1/2023, 7:06 pm

22s are a lot more equal performance wise than people want to admit. If you can get through a 900 with no alibis don't change anything.

The only thing rugers lack is a slick way to dry fire them.


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What equipment should I upgrade next to improve my average? Empty Re: What equipment should I upgrade next to improve my average?

Post by chiz1180 8/1/2023, 7:13 pm

If you want to play the equipment game in order to "buy" points, good luck! It has not worked for me (Ruger, Buckmark, 1911 conversions, 41s, 208s, ect.) or several other people that I know who tried.

A few things that you may want to consider:
-shoot metallic, either with your current gun or another one. Both metallic and optics can help foster development. 
-Invest into a 45 and prepare to be humbled. If you master a 45, 22 will follow. 

The trick to a good score is good technique following solid fundamentals. As others have mentioned even the most modest equipment is capable of good scores.

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Post by SteveT 8/1/2023, 7:30 pm

As mentioned if you shots are on call you are probably good equipment wise. However, I have found different 22 ammo will shoot different in most guns. Shooting a few groups off a sandbag at 50 yards would be worth a try.

My old Ruger would shoot almost any standard velocity ammo into a 1.5" group (except Win T22 or any supersonic) and some (CCI, Aguilla, Eley) under an inch.  So I shot a lot of Aguilla and CCI through it. Other guns have different favorites, but most target 22's with a good crown will shoot most standard velocity ammo well inside the 10 ring and usually some brands into the X ring.

I've been through several guns since the Ruger and only improved my scores by a few points in a 900. I don't regret moving on, but I can't credit the guns for better scores.

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What equipment should I upgrade next to improve my average? Empty Re: What equipment should I upgrade next to improve my average?

Post by Jon Eulette 8/1/2023, 7:31 pm

Trigger job, trigger job, trigger job! Ruger’s are great pistols, just need a good trigger job to be competitive. I started out with Ruger and shot up to 889 with it before changing guns.
Volquartsen trigger job using his parts is better than factory, but gunsmith trigger job shines.
Jon Eulette
Jon Eulette

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What equipment should I upgrade next to improve my average? Empty Re: What equipment should I upgrade next to improve my average?

Post by bruce martindale 8/1/2023, 8:15 pm

You need confidence in your equipment and it has to function reliably with your ammo.289 is a great score. Remember how that felt and work to keep the feeling.

I have many 22 options but find myself using only a few. One is a 208 style the other a 45 conversion. If you are to get a new gun, get a conversion unit.

bruce martindale

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What equipment should I upgrade next to improve my average? Empty Re: What equipment should I upgrade next to improve my average?

Post by chopper 8/1/2023, 9:22 pm

Jon Eulette wrote:Trigger job, trigger job, trigger job! Ruger’s are great pistols, just need a good trigger job to be competitive. I started out with Ruger and shot up to 889 with it before changing guns.
Volquartsen trigger job using his parts is better than factory, but gunsmith trigger job shines.
 Jon's right there is a difference between a good gunsmith trigger job compared to the Volquartzen drop-in.


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What equipment should I upgrade next to improve my average? Empty Re: What equipment should I upgrade next to improve my average?

Post by Tim:H11 8/1/2023, 9:47 pm

Instead of buying new optics or other equipment, as others have already mentioned, I recommend you have the trigger done up professionally. The ability to interface with the gun is important. You’ll want a trigger that feels good shot for shot and doesn’t change on you. 

Aside from that the rest is on you. Trigger control. Learn it. Perfect it. Make each shot a repeatable performance. Smooth straight back to the rear. It can’t be based on what you see in the sights. It has to be smooth and within your hold. Put the dot in the middle, hold it there, press the trigger without moving the dot, wait for the gun to bang. Have faith in your hold. Don’t let what you see make you interrupt your trigger press.

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What equipment should I upgrade next to improve my average? Empty Re: What equipment should I upgrade next to improve my average?

Post by jglenn21 8/2/2023, 7:22 am

" Don’t let what you see make you interrupt your trigger press."   

Words.to live by

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What equipment should I upgrade next to improve my average? Empty Re: What equipment should I upgrade next to improve my average?

Post by DA/SA 8/2/2023, 7:32 am

Tim:H11 wrote: Put the dot in the middle, hold it there, press the trigger without moving the dot, wait for the gun to bang. Have faith in your hold. Don’t let what you see make you interrupt your trigger press.
That is where shooting a blank target is so helpful when training. It lets you do exactly that.

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What equipment should I upgrade next to improve my average? Empty Re: What equipment should I upgrade next to improve my average?

Post by Merick 8/2/2023, 3:23 pm

Jon Eulette wrote:Trigger job, trigger job, trigger job! Ruger’s are great pistols, just need a good trigger job to be competitive. I started out with Ruger and shot up to 889 with it before changing guns.
Volquartsen trigger job using his parts is better than factory, but gunsmith trigger job shines.
Are the factory parts good enough to hold a trigger job?


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What equipment should I upgrade next to improve my average? Empty Re: What equipment should I upgrade next to improve my average?

Post by Jon Eulette 8/2/2023, 3:35 pm

Yes, the factory parts are fine. I have done well over 100 trigger jobs on stock parts.
Jon Eulette
Jon Eulette

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What equipment should I upgrade next to improve my average? Empty Re: What equipment should I upgrade next to improve my average?

Post by only_8_ring 8/2/2023, 6:12 pm

I echo what Jon and others say. Your gun, like most .22s, can hold the X ring from a machine rest at 50 yards. The main thing you probably want to do is get that trigger job.

If your budget is nearly unlimited, you may see a slight increase in scores with a Pardini SP. My 90-shot match scores with a Ruger Mk IV went up about 5-7 points when I switched to a Pardini SP, but that may have just been me getting better naturally. The SP feels like it gives you a free 3-4 extra seconds in Rapid Fire. 

That said... Jon Eulette knows his stuff, as does Mike, along pretty much everyone in this thread. Trigger job is probably the most efficient use of money to buy points.


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What equipment should I upgrade next to improve my average? Empty Re: What equipment should I upgrade next to improve my average?

Post by Froneck 8/2/2023, 7:25 pm

I'll add my support for trigger work! Most important part of a target pistol especially for BE is a good trigger. Type that is best for you being Crisp or some type Roll. In addition the pull length is critical too!


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What equipment should I upgrade next to improve my average? Empty Re: What equipment should I upgrade next to improve my average?

Post by Ed Hall 8/3/2023, 8:16 am

I will add that my coach/mentor kept trying to get me to give up my Ruger, even though I had done a trigger job and was shooting 880+.  His comment was something like, "Yes, you are shooting those scores, but you're working too hard for them."  His reasoning centered on the lack of adjustment for the trigger.

When I finally moved to the 208s, I moved into the low 890s on occasion.

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What equipment should I upgrade next to improve my average? Empty Re: What equipment should I upgrade next to improve my average?

Post by Blazin 8/3/2023, 8:40 am

I'm not as qualified as those above to comment, but I will say when I started this game I scoped my 22 and shot a wide variety of ammo to see what shot best. I shot prone 10-shot 50-yard groups. I was surprised to see all grades of ammo shot well with my Nelson upper, and interestingly CCI SV as one of the better ones accuracy wise, but I know that's not the case in my other guns. After that experiment I had a lot more confidence in my equipment, and I was certain what ammo shot best.


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What equipment should I upgrade next to improve my average? Empty Re: What equipment should I upgrade next to improve my average?

Post by Froneck 8/3/2023, 9:37 am

I might add that if you intend to get the recommended trigger work done I suggest you have it done by a known BE gunsmith! You want someone that knows what they are doing not someone that thinks they know! Might cost you more to have it done but it's worth it! Most of the top BE smiths do only BE guns because they are so busy they don't have time for anything else!.


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