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Calling shots

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Calling shots Empty Calling shots

Post by Bestdentist99 8/5/2023, 10:53 am

I am fully aware of the importance of applying fundamentals and a consistent following of a shot process. I fully understand the concept of fully focusing on the front site or keeping the red dot in the center of the scope as you press the trigger without disturbing the sight. However, calling the shots, even though I understand the concept eludes me.
When fully focused on keeping the red dot in the center of the scope, the target is slightly out of focus. How then, can I call the shot going into a specific ring if I’m not focusing on the target, especially on a 50 Yd target where the rings are not even visible?
Thank you.


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Calling shots Empty Re: Calling shots

Post by SteveT 8/5/2023, 11:35 am

If focusing completely on the dot centered in the tube is how you deliver a good shot, then maybe calling the shot won't be as accurate or as important.

I focus on the target with the dot bouncing around in front of it. I align the dot in the tube before settling into the black, but after that I don't notice it, so it may be different. I can't call the difference between a deep 9 and a scratch 10, but I don't scope shots to get a score, I verify the hole is close to my call. As long as the hole is within an inch or so, then I made a good call. Sometimes the dot was moving so I can't call that close, but I know the path the dot followed so I am looking for a hole along that path.

For me calling the shot has 2 purposes. The main purpose is to distract my mind from interfering with the trigger action. The secondary purpose is to make sure my sights haven't shifted. The first is much more important for me.

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Calling shots Empty Re: Calling shots

Post by mspingeld 8/5/2023, 11:39 am

On a 50 yard target, the 8,9,10 & X ring are in the black. With a red dot, the target should not be so out of focus that you can't tell approximately how far from center the dot is when the shot breaks. A bit more blurry when shooting irons but still should be clear enough to get a good approximation, particularly in terms of direction. If you call an 8 at 10 o'clock (still in the black) and it's a 9, you're doing pretty well. The objective here is to observe what's happening at the break i.e. where the dot is and does it jump. The latter is much easier to see when dry firing.

I've used a training method to help with this. I created a target (25 yard slow fire) without any black. All white rings. These sheets stay on the bench. Shoot a shot on a standard 25 yard slow fire target at 25 yards and, without looking at the target or spotting scope, mark a number 1 on the white target where you think the shot went. Then scope the shot and write a number 1 in a circle where it actually went. Connect the two number ones with a line. Take another shot, call it and note a number 2 on the white target. Scope it and mark the actual location with a number 2 in a circle. Join them with a line. Repeat 8 more times.

Repeat a couple of times with clean targets downrange and  clean white targets for noting locations. 10 shots per target/sheet.

You'll end up with 2 or 3 records of how well you're calling shots. When I do this, the lines joining the numbers get shorter showing I'm getting more accurate with my shot calling.

Calling shots is not the ultimate goal here but calling shots will make you a better shooter.

PM me and I'll email the pdf of the training target (to anyone who asks).


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Calling shots Empty Re: Calling shots

Post by Bestdentist99 8/5/2023, 12:07 pm

Thank you for very helpful advice. I would appreciate the PDF of the training target.
My email address is
Thank you!


Posts : 111
Join date : 2017-01-06

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