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Leg Fodder - possible loophole?

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Leg Fodder - possible loophole? Empty Leg Fodder - possible loophole?

Post by RoyDean 11/1/2023, 2:51 pm

So, it seems that many clubs struggle to find enough non-distinguished shooters to make up the numbers and give a chance for others to win leg points. This problem gets worse towards the end of each season when active non-D shooters reach their 5 match limit.

The relevant CMP Rule:-
Rule 9.3.3 Match Limitations for Non-Distinguished Competitors
b)A maximum of five (5) CMP-sanctioned EIC Matches, except that in years when there is no National Trophy Individual Match, a maximum of six (6) CMP-sanctioned EIC matches may be fired. The scores of any competitor who fires in more than five (5) EIC matches in one calendar year, except authorized by this rule, will not not be counted in determining EIC Credit Points.

A question came up that, to my mind, is not perfectly clear in the rules as written:-
If a 5+ non-D shooters is willing to join the match knowing that he cannot "record" a score or earn a pin, can that shooter still participate and act as "leg fodder" for others?


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Leg Fodder - possible loophole? Empty Re: Leg Fodder - possible loophole?

Post by Merick 11/1/2023, 4:28 pm

Once you have your 5 matches in you do not contribute to the non distinguished shooter total and cannot win eic points.  You are not leg meat again until January 1.

You might be able to get overall place match ribbons but I'd have to look that up. I have a hard enogh time just finding 5 matches a year, I can't imagine having 6 within driving distance.


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Leg Fodder - possible loophole? Empty Re: Leg Fodder - possible loophole?

Post by TonyH 11/1/2023, 7:30 pm

Leg Fodder - possible loophole? 3064385617  With para. 1…. & EIC matches are like hens teeth in these here parts. Finally got to shoot a CMP DSR for the first time in AZ last weekend. To shoot the  AP EIC I would have to drive back to Phoenix this coming weekend and they tell me divorces are very expensive! lol!

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