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Dry firing 1911

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Dry firing 1911 Empty Dry firing 1911

Post by Bestdentist99 11/15/2023, 3:44 am

In dry firing a 1911 is it ok to pull the hammer back without racking the slide? 
I’ve heard arguments to both, but what do the experts/gunsmiths think?


Posts : 111
Join date : 2017-01-06

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Dry firing 1911 Empty Re: Dry firing 1911

Post by TonyH 11/15/2023, 6:41 am

Lots of threads and advice on this subject...look at "Similar topics" at bottom of post page or search for Dry+Firing+1911.

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Join date : 2018-08-06
Location : Utah's Dixie

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