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52 sighting and shooting different

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52 sighting and shooting different Empty 52 sighting and shooting different

Post by L. Boscoe 12/7/2023, 2:12 pm

Got my 52 fitted with a red dot, and, to check the red dot,  Shot a few at 10 yds for setting check in a plastic rest by Caldwell the range has.  All went in one hole!
then tried the previous posting's recommended sighting in method: arms on bench wrist and hands up and above the bench. Results: high and left.  I was as careful as I can be with trigger pull, although it is very light-
I am thinking the difference is shooter error, but would welcome any advice to the contrary.
I spend probably 3hrs a week dry firing, not all with the 52.

L. Boscoe

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Join date : 2022-08-07
Age : 88

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52 sighting and shooting different Empty Re: 52 sighting and shooting different

Post by DA/SA 12/7/2023, 2:18 pm

What happens if you just stand up and shoot it?

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52 sighting and shooting different Empty Re: 52 sighting and shooting different

Post by jwax 12/9/2023, 7:07 pm

I've shot my 52 on bags, Caldwell, 2-handed, and found the only thing that matters is how you shoot it one handed. Everything else is wasting ammo.
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52 sighting and shooting different Empty Re: 52 sighting and shooting different

Post by L. Boscoe 12/9/2023, 7:50 pm

looks like one handed is the answer.   I don't shoot that nearly as well as 2.

L. Boscoe

Posts : 273
Join date : 2022-08-07
Age : 88

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52 sighting and shooting different Empty Re: 52 sighting and shooting different

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