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sellor bellot wadcutters, 38

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sellor bellot wadcutters, 38 Empty sellor bellot wadcutters, 38

Post by Eindecker 12/27/2023, 11:56 am

accurate double action, not so much single action. Not my usual results shooting period.. 

However, are these known to be masters at leading chambers up? I only fired 20 cylinders, but my gun looked like i was shooting swagged swc at keith velocities again.. Had actual flakes of lead on the crane, forcing cone, and even smeared on the cylinder. 

but my gun is in proper time..


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sellor bellot wadcutters, 38 Empty Re: sellor bellot wadcutters, 38

Post by Wobbley 12/27/2023, 2:37 pm

Any S&B Wadcutters I’ve shot have been accurate enough in my 52 but it isn’t like the RedBox Federal.  I haven’t shot enough to see any issues.

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sellor bellot wadcutters, 38 Empty Re: sellor bellot wadcutters, 38

Post by Gustavo1957 12/27/2023, 8:27 pm

sellor bellot wadcutters, 38 Sellio10
They were just bought out 12/18.


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sellor bellot wadcutters, 38 Empty Re: sellor bellot wadcutters, 38

Post by noylj 1/1/2024, 9:38 am

Pull bullet. Measure diameter. Diameter should be the same as the barrels freebore(?) or 0.1 mil larget, and at least 0.1 mil larger than barrel groove diameter. If diameter is too small, you get gas cutting with lots of leading.


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sellor bellot wadcutters, 38 Empty Re: sellor bellot wadcutters, 38

Post by PMcfall 1/1/2024, 9:58 am

What's a mil Laughing ?

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sellor bellot wadcutters, 38 Empty Re: sellor bellot wadcutters, 38

Post by jgolba 1/6/2024, 11:46 am

In the FWIW category: I have used Sellier & Bellot .38 Special 148 gr HBWC in a Colt 1851 .36 caliber replica equipped with a Howell .38 LC conversion cylinder. Yes, the cylinder is long enough to accommate this .38 special loading (where the WC bullet is just a scooch above the case mouth). As an example, after 42 rounds I did not experience excessive leading and the clean-up was no more cumbersome that for my other center fire revolvers using lead bullets. Now this is for a barrel with nominally lands at 0.360" land and 0.372" groove diameters. It works so well because the the skirt of these hollow base bullets expand to fill the bore and virually eliminate blow by of powder gases.


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sellor bellot wadcutters, 38 Empty Re: sellor bellot wadcutters, 38

Post by Eindecker 3/24/2024, 6:04 pm

The european website of SB talks about their components.. the 148 HBWC is supposed to be  .357 diameter same as there entire product offering in 38 sepcial and 357 magnum.


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