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Target grips reasoning….

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Target grips reasoning…. Empty Target grips reasoning….

Post by boisepaw Tue Jan 09, 2024 7:46 am

I bought nice target grips twenty years ago for my bullseye guns but never put them on…thinking that somehow or other standard grips were better.  

What are the benefits of target grips?  Especially for a 69 year old?

I woke up this morning with the realization that I love the target grips on my Baikal IZH-35M.

Perhaps I’m thinking a little too much about my guns these days…. Smile


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Target grips reasoning…. Empty Re: Target grips reasoning….

Post by BerryhillAC Tue Jan 09, 2024 12:17 pm

If I may, and recognizing that I come at this with two hats, one as a coach and another as a maker of custom grips for bullseye shooters.  Custom grips are not for everyone, anymore than factory grips are the answer for everyone.  We are all wonderfully different.  My "medium" size hand is not going to be like anyone else's "medium" size hand.  Gun manufacturers, and most grip makers, want to make a product that works for as many people as possible.  That means there are going to be compromises.  There is no way around it.  On the extreme ends of the curve, look at how poorly just about every gun fits shooters with either really small or very large hands.  They are just not made to fit those shooters. 

A grip works for a shooter if it comfortable and repeatable.  If you've got something that works for you, fitting those two requirements, then you are good to go.  Many people struggle to find that best grip shape and size.  A coach or another knowledgeable shooter can help, but putting your hands on lots of different sizes and shapes is the best route.  In your case you've found something that works for you in the IZH-35 grip.   Wonderful!  Now the idea is to repeat that shape on your centerfire, .45, and practice air pistol.  And maybe your back-up guns for good measure.

As a custom grip maker, that is where I can help.  I can 3d scan your IZH grip (or 3d scan my IZH grip set to your parameters) and then reproduce it just about any other gun you'd like.  I've been doing this for seven plus years and have made nearly 3000 grips now for shooters all around the world.  Take a look at my site, PrecisionTargetPistolGrips.com and let me know if you have any other questions.


Precision Target Pistol Grips


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