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9mm to 38 spec. or 38 super?

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9mm to 38 spec. or 38 super? Empty 9mm to 38 spec. or 38 super?

Post by Foundryratjim 1/29/2024, 2:46 pm

I have found a used Range Officer Target model in 9MM. I would like to have a smith convert it to either 38 spec. or 38 super for Bullseye.
 I load 38 special now. I don't have dies for the 38 super yet. Its my understanding that it will take much more labor (money) to convert to 38 spec. and getting magazines and getting them tuned. I would like to hear from those that have done this in either caliber and how you like it.  



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9mm to 38 spec. or 38 super? Empty Re: 9mm to 38 spec. or 38 super?

Post by Rush223 1/29/2024, 3:21 pm

Converting to 38 Super should be pretty simple, a new barrel and magazines. I have done this on a Colt but not Springfield Armory. A gunsmith fit barrel and other needed work should be plenty accurate for BE. 


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9mm to 38 spec. or 38 super? Empty Re: 9mm to 38 spec. or 38 super?

Post by 1911-45 1/29/2024, 4:33 pm

Is 9mm not accurate enough for BE? 
I know 38spec and 38Super are accurate.


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9mm to 38 spec. or 38 super? Empty Re: 9mm to 38 spec. or 38 super?

Post by Foundryratjim 1/29/2024, 5:13 pm

1911-45 wrote:Is 9mm not accurate enough for BE? 
I know 38spec and 38Super are accurate.
 To get BE accuracy the 9mm generally likes more velocity and it makes the recoil more snappy for BE. There are some who use it but I'm not interested in messing with it for BE.


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9mm to 38 spec. or 38 super? Empty Re: 9mm to 38 spec. or 38 super?

Post by Rush223 1/29/2024, 5:21 pm

9 mm can be accurate enough. I like 147 gr bullets which are not as snappy. But yes, the recoil from some 9mm loads are worse than a 45.

9mm to 38 spec. or 38 super? Img_1017


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9mm to 38 spec. or 38 super? Empty Re: 9mm to 38 spec. or 38 super?

Post by messenger 1/29/2024, 5:27 pm

I have a 38 super. It was pretty accurate with a KART 1x16 barrel. I had a KKM 1x10 barrel fitted and it is now the most accurate gun I own. 


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9mm to 38 spec. or 38 super? Empty Re: 9mm to 38 spec. or 38 super?

Post by NukeMMC 1/29/2024, 5:39 pm

I have a 9mm RO converted to 38super by Jon Eulette for an EIC gun. I actually have started shooting 148gr wadcutter loads from it for 25yds and it is a hammer with 38splzish feel during sustained fire. Use Ed Brown 38super mags and Starline supercomp brass and you're all set. 1000% reliable.
9mm to 38 spec. or 38 super? 20230631
9mm to 38 spec. or 38 super? 20230632

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9mm to 38 spec. or 38 super? Empty Re: 9mm to 38 spec. or 38 super?

Post by Foundryratjim 1/29/2024, 7:58 pm

NukeMMC wrote:I have a 9mm RO converted to 38super by Jon Eulette for an EIC gun.  I actually have started shooting 148gr wadcutter loads from it for 25yds and it is a hammer with 38splzish feel during sustained fire.  Use Ed Brown 38super mags and Starline supercomp brass and you're all set.  1000% reliable.
9mm to 38 spec. or 38 super? 20230631
9mm to 38 spec. or 38 super? 20230632
What diameter are your wad cutters and where did you get them?  Thanks


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9mm to 38 spec. or 38 super? Empty Re: 9mm to 38 spec. or 38 super?

Post by NukeMMC 1/29/2024, 8:23 pm

Those are old Northeast .358 but I have some Brazos Hi-Tek .356 also.

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9mm to 38 spec. or 38 super? Empty Re: 9mm to 38 spec. or 38 super?

Post by Foundryratjim 1/29/2024, 8:41 pm

NukeMMC wrote:Those are old Northeast .358 but I have some Brazos Hi-Tek .356 also.
Brazos stopped making them.....


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9mm to 38 spec. or 38 super? Empty Re: 9mm to 38 spec. or 38 super?

Post by NukeMMC 1/29/2024, 8:51 pm

For now. Same statement on a ton of their bullets, I assume due to their move.
The 150gr SWC are theirs and in stock. They shoot great also.

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9mm to 38 spec. or 38 super? Empty Re: 9mm to 38 spec. or 38 super?

Post by chiz1180 1/29/2024, 9:09 pm

I have an old school 38spl wadcutter with a custom barrel. Gun is accurate but it is easier to load/shoot 45 on the longline. 38spl mags are expensive and can take patience to find.

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9mm to 38 spec. or 38 super? Empty Re: 9mm to 38 spec. or 38 super?

Post by Foundryratjim 1/29/2024, 9:47 pm

NukeMMC wrote:For now.  Same statement on a ton of their bullets, I assume due to their move.
The 150gr SWC are theirs and in stock.  They shoot great also.
What diameter is your barrel?


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9mm to 38 spec. or 38 super? Empty Re: 9mm to 38 spec. or 38 super?

Post by NukeMMC 1/30/2024, 4:45 am


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9mm to 38 spec. or 38 super? Empty Re: 9mm to 38 spec. or 38 super?

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