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High Standard Victor mainspring.

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High Standard Victor mainspring. Empty High Standard Victor mainspring.

Post by UnGe 3/11/2024, 9:19 pm

After a lot of dry firing I've noticed that my Victor became much easier to cock. This may indicate that the mainspring became weaker.
As I understand, resistance form hammer/mainspring may contribute to reducing the recoil effect.

I really enjoy easy cocking, but I am concerned with potentially higher load on the frame and recoil spring.

Looking for advise, should I change the mainspring (and go back to a misery of very hard cocking), or it is fine, as long as there is good recoil spring and no lite strikes?


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High Standard Victor mainspring. Empty Re: High Standard Victor mainspring.

Post by NukeMMC 3/11/2024, 11:13 pm

What would it hurt on the pistol (besides your hand) to replace the mainspring?

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High Standard Victor mainspring. Empty Re: High Standard Victor mainspring.

Post by RodJ 3/12/2024, 3:01 am

Replace. No reason to beat up a nice gun. Good luck!


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High Standard Victor mainspring. Empty Re: High Standard Victor mainspring.

Post by UnGe 3/12/2024, 4:47 pm

Thanks everybody! Going to harm my hand on both replacement and dry firing Smile

I hope I have one laying around, as it does not seem anybody sell them anymore (Wolf used to have one)

Last edited by UnGe on 3/12/2024, 5:06 pm; edited 1 time in total


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High Standard Victor mainspring. Empty Re: High Standard Victor mainspring.

Post by UnGe 3/12/2024, 4:54 pm

Can somebody please post a picture of a hammer replacement tool, just to get an idea of what to try to replicate? There was a description of a hand-made one in https://www.bullseyeforum.net/t4417-reassembly-of-high-standard-victor-hammer, but I just cannot visualize how it should look/work.


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High Standard Victor mainspring. Empty Re: High Standard Victor mainspring.

Post by NukeMMC 3/12/2024, 5:23 pm

UnGe wrote:Thanks everybody! Going to harm my hand on both replacement and dry firing Smile

I hope I have one laying around, as it does not seem anybody sell them anymore (Wolf used to have one)
PM me an address. I have a couple.

Posts : 553
Join date : 2018-10-12

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High Standard Victor mainspring. Empty Re: High Standard Victor mainspring.

Post by UnGe 3/12/2024, 8:53 pm

NukeMMC wrote:PM me an address. I have a couple.
I am always impressed by how helpful are people here.. Thanks a lot, NukeMMC!


Posts : 83
Join date : 2021-02-22
Location : WA

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