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Feedback From Shooters Using Front Sight Enhancers

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Feedback From Shooters Using Front Sight Enhancers Empty Feedback From Shooters Using Front Sight Enhancers

Post by xmastershooter 3/19/2024, 5:56 am

Have front sight enhancers such as fiber optics and dots helped with the sight picture while shooting bullseye? Under which conditions do they work best and when do they not?


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Feedback From Shooters Using Front Sight Enhancers Empty Re: Feedback From Shooters Using Front Sight Enhancers

Post by Texasref 3/19/2024, 6:52 am

Fiber optics would make the front sight easier to see.
Color has a lot to do with that.
I've found that outdoors red is the best, while indoors green is sometimes preferred by some.


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Feedback From Shooters Using Front Sight Enhancers Empty Re: Feedback From Shooters Using Front Sight Enhancers

Post by JRV 3/19/2024, 9:58 am

I have found that nothing beats a dark, dark black square.

Shapes and inserts and colors obfuscate what I need to see—sharp level corners and even light bars floating in the white below the bull.


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Feedback From Shooters Using Front Sight Enhancers Empty Re: Feedback From Shooters Using Front Sight Enhancers

Post by Wobbley 3/19/2024, 10:48 am

With a “glow worm” front sight, I’d be VERY tempted to shoot it like a dot.  Zero the gun so the impact is centered where the red glow worm is pointed.  Align the glow worm in the notch or with the two glow worms on your rear sight ( three dots in a row) put the red dot on the bullseye and shoot the shot.  I only do this in a “combat pistol”  it it works for that. On my rear sight the rear dots are greed, front is red.

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Feedback From Shooters Using Front Sight Enhancers Empty Re: Feedback From Shooters Using Front Sight Enhancers

Post by xmastershooter 3/19/2024, 11:12 am

Glow worm as in Tritium luminescent sights? Interesting read on some of the pistol site discussions. The half life is about 12 years so at that time, the sight will be half as bright as compared to brand new.


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Feedback From Shooters Using Front Sight Enhancers Empty Re: Feedback From Shooters Using Front Sight Enhancers

Post by Wobbley 3/19/2024, 11:19 am

Well… not really, there are some that just enhance the light they get and present as a dimly lit dot…

These were called “glow worm” sights when they came out for shotguns decades ago.  I think it was because they were neon colors like the “glow worm” fishing bait.

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Feedback From Shooters Using Front Sight Enhancers Empty Re: Feedback From Shooters Using Front Sight Enhancers

Post by TJ1911 3/19/2024, 3:26 pm

My .22's all have traditional black sights but I have one gun (CZ75) with a fiber optic front and I really like it. I recommend the Dawson Precision fiber optic sights. The fiber dot is a bit smaller than others use and the metal part is very precise so you see both a post and the fiber optic dot. Sort of a best of both worlds thing.

They seem to work best with a fairly wide notch on the rear, which my aging eyes agree with.


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Feedback From Shooters Using Front Sight Enhancers Empty Re: Feedback From Shooters Using Front Sight Enhancers

Post by Tripscape 3/19/2024, 3:44 pm

Wobbley wrote:With a “glow worm” front sight, I’d be VERY tempted to shoot it like a dot.
EXACTLY.  I was brought up on black square irons and red dots.  Always felt weird about fiber optics when holding guns that sported them at the local gun stores.  Recently I obtained a pistol that has a red fiber optic and for the life of me I cannot do a sub 6 hold.  That red fiber optic screams to me "I AM A RED DOT".  So I aim it on target, at which point you lose perfect side and top references.  I still shoot it well, just really weird feeling.


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