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Any Weapon Shield CLP users here?

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Any Weapon Shield CLP users here?  Empty Any Weapon Shield CLP users here?

Post by Mastergun 4/11/2024, 10:29 pm

I have been a long-time user of Weapon Shield. When customers ask me what CLP to use on the 1911’s I build I always recommend Weapons Shield. Sadly, Weapon Shield disappeared for a couple of years. At that time when I ran out, I went back to FP-10 (also a George Fennell creation). It became apparent to me that even though FP-10 was pretty decent it was an inferior lubricant when compared to Weapon Sheild. Recently I discovered Weapon Shield was being manufactured again. Out of curiosity I inquired about being a distributor for Weapon Shield. That is when I spoke to Tom Spithaler who purchased Weapon Shield. It turns out Tom is a fantastic person that believes in his product. George Fennell is still involved in the company as a technical advisor. To make a long story short I am now a distributor of Weapon Shield CLP.

Here is a good video demo of Weapon Shield if you care to watch:


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Join date : 2023-07-04


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