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Die Set up...

John Dervis
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Die Set up... Empty Die Set up...

Post by cundiff5535 4/12/2024, 12:03 pm

Hello!  I am going to be setting up a Dillon 650 for smaller runs of ammo.  I am hoping to get some thoughts on die set up!
I was going to get a Redding Carbide Size/Decapping die, the Redding Micrometer Seating die, and currently have the Redding crimp, but I keep hearing that I should get the Lee factory Crimp die.

Does anyone else have a suggestion on this or what route to go?

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Die Set up... Empty Re: Die Set up...

Post by PhotoEscape 4/12/2024, 12:42 pm

IMO, all Redding dies are fine, although I prefer Lee Carbide Sizing dies as they size cases the closest to the base.  I would not use Lee carbide FCD unless it is absolutely necessary.  The most important thing is to have sizing ring(s) in sizing and FCD dies be within spec of the caliber.  Most such dies are undersized in my experience.  Might warrant contacting manufacturer of choice and finding out if they can provide you with custom die(s) with ID that you specify.  I know Lee offers such service.  Obviously, above is applicable if you desire to load competition ammo and gain maximum accuracy.  If you are loading ammo just for testing / training as long as it passes plunk test, it is good enough.  Once again, IMO.


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Die Set up... Empty Re: Die Set up...

Post by KBarth 4/12/2024, 2:16 pm

I use a lee FCD for my 45 ammo on my Dillon and it works fine. I also use a lee FCD on my 38 DR ammo and that load shoots right at 1.5in in my revolver.

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Die Set up... Empty Re: Die Set up...

Post by John Dervis 4/12/2024, 9:36 pm

I would use the Redding die you have and see how it works. You can always change if the results aren’t as good as you wanted.


John Dervis

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Die Set up... Empty Re: Die Set up...

Post by chiz1180 4/12/2024, 9:41 pm

I have used both Lee and Redding crimp dies with good success. Reloading is something that can be easily over complicated. I would concur with John, try the Redding die you have first.That said the Lee dies are also inexpensive and you could test both if you wanted to confirm which works best for your needs.

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Die Set up... Empty Re: Die Set up...

Post by SingleActionAndrew 4/12/2024, 11:04 pm

What type of bullets will you load? The Redding seater is great for FMJ and most JHP but if loading SWC a Dillon die with uniquetek SWC seater insert is likely better as it seats off the shoulder rather than nose of the bullet and is easier to clean.  Redding crimp die is good for both

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Die Set up... Empty Re: Die Set up...

Post by cundiff5535 4/13/2024, 4:30 am

Thx for the comment s guys!

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Die Set up... Empty Re: Die Set up...

Post by noylj 4/15/2024, 4:07 am

Sizing die: I want a die that goes as far down the case as possible. Lee is my first choice, with Hornady next. Hornady sizes easily with TiN ring. The very best were the very first RCBS carbide dies as they barely "broke the edge" on the carbide ring.
Expander dies: Any powder-through expand/flare die is great--it just has to match your powder measure. If you wish to weigh/dispense individual charges, the Lee PTE die with a Lee powder funnel on it works best.
Bullet seating die: die means nothing. Get a bullet seating plug that fits your bullet profile. It should not touch the bullet nose and should contact as far down the ogive as possible. Micrometer, to me, are a waste of time given that I don't mind resetting a die nor do I mind dedicating a die to a specific bullet.
Crimp: I have never found any taper crimp die better than any other. I never use a Lee FCD with lead bullets. I mostly use Lee taper crimp dies or the die that came with the die set.
For roll crimp, things are different. Best accuracy has been with the Redding Profile Crimp die, with the Lee FCD being number two AFTER I remove the carbide ring.
I have had lead bullets sized down by the FCD


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Die Set up... Empty Re: Die Set up...

Post by Nick Y 4/16/2024, 6:53 am

How does one go about removing the carbide ring?

Nick Y

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