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Hammerli 120

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Hammerli 120  Empty Hammerli 120

Post by az224 4/12/2024, 8:58 pm

I know there are no extractors available for my 120 but is there a gunsmith who can duplicate one, probably not a lot of money in that though, mine has too much play between the face of the extractor and the rim of the case causing the extractor to loose it's grip on the empty case after the case is around 1/4" out of the chamber. I'm asking about this since I'm planning on putting the gun up for sale and although the previous owner failed to mention this problem to the local gun store where I bought it I plan on letting prospective buyers know about this. I made a field expedient case remover which works very well but most potential buyers would probably scoff at this, unless they shoot muzzle loaders.


Posts : 5
Join date : 2023-06-11
Age : 71
Location : Cochise County, AZ

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