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Air pistol target frame / pellet trap

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Air pistol target frame / pellet trap Empty Air pistol target frame / pellet trap

Post by JHHolliday 4/18/2024, 11:34 am

As some of you shoot AP I would like to share a simple target frame / pellet trap I built for my garage 10m range.

Kruger 10M pellet targets are stiff to produce clean holes and don't need a backer material.  I made a drop-in frame from aluminum channel material (Home Depot window frame material, IIRC).  The frame is open at the top and the channels are close enough to hold the target upright but wide enough to easily drop in or remove targets.

Behind the frame is the pellet trap.  The back of the trap is a piece of thick steel sheet metal enclosed with four 2X4 sections to hold the trap material.  The trap material is duct seal - a dense / sticky putty that adheres to the back of the trap.  Duct seal traps most of the shot pellets and also muffles impact noise - making it "neighbor friendly".  As the duct seal loads up with shot pellets some will drop after impacting, so I attached an aluminum turkey pan below to collect these.

Behind the pellet trap is a plywood backer to protect the walls from friends who want to try air pistol  Laughing.  For illumination I position a bright LED shop light nearby.
Air pistol target frame / pellet trap Attachment
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Air pistol target frame / pellet trap Attachment
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Air pistol target frame / pellet trap Empty Re: Air pistol target frame / pellet trap

Post by jwax 4/21/2024, 5:00 pm

Suggestion- add another bright light in the bottom of the trap, aimed upwards at the back of the target. Hits in the black will light up bright.

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Air pistol target frame / pellet trap Empty Re: Air pistol target frame / pellet trap

Post by Jwhelan939 4/21/2024, 6:18 pm

When I shot pellets in the basement I had a target shutttle with a trap against the wall. I still have it in a box in the basement. Was expensive, from what I remember, but really cool. Worked well and shuttled the target back to me so I didn’t have to constantly go down range.


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Air pistol target frame / pellet trap Empty Re: Air pistol target frame / pellet trap

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