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This boards been a huge help! Empty This boards been a huge help!

Post by s1120 Mon Feb 17, 2014 7:24 am

Well just started doing some training a month or so ago for bullseye. Ive been reading a lot here, but putting lead into paper brings it al together. ive been a plinker for years, and stepping up to a real range, with targets is a big difference!! Right now im just working with a 15 yd range, and NRA 50 foot targets. As I improve Ill move up to 25 and 50 yards. A few things I found.....  Well I can keep all shots on paper.... not as close together as I hoped... Next... as I shoot longer, MAn the arm gets tired, and the wobble gets bigger!! I was doing some of those two shot drills, and after about a half hour I did see my groups start to shrink, so I think its coming together. Anyways....  I really need to build up the strength in my shooting arm. Ive done some dry firing, but I feel I really need to do more. Not so much for trigger control, but for strength, and working on aligning sights quicker. Also I have a pretty good stance, and can come right to target naturally...  but as I shoot more, I get a little wobbly and need to correct myself more then I think I should. Is this something that you guys feel might come together as I build up the "shooting strength"? Right now im working with 3 diferent .22's I have 2 High Standards. A 103 with a Victor bbl, and a 104 with a bull bbl. and I also have a 6" S&W revolver that's a sweet shooter! the two HS's kinda depend on the day as to what one seems to shoot the best, the revolver I like to keep in rotation, because finding the SV ammo the HS's need can be tough these days, and the Smith will eat anything, so its nice to have a backup incase I cant find enough SV ammo come match time.

So once again. Thanks for all the information you all have given me!! I know I have a long way to go, but do you all think Im on the right track? Things that you think I should work on down here on the ground floor??


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This boards been a huge help! Empty Re: This boards been a huge help!

Post by SMBeyer Mon Feb 17, 2014 6:22 pm

Don't be intimidated by the longer distances.  They are actually easier.  The 50' target is a mean little bugger.  I have shot very little 25yd slow fire but it is not real forgiving either.  50yd slow is by far the easiest.  As long as your gun is up to it and you don't go into it thinking you wont shoot well beacause it is SO FAR AWAY you will do fine.

For strength training I was told to take a 5# weight.  Get in your shooting stance hold it with the middle two fingers and thumb.  No trigger finger or pinky involved.  Hold it out with a bent elbow (was told if you don't bend elbow you can get tendonitis, already got it) for 30 seconds, approximately.  Down at a 45 degree angle for 30, up for 30, down for 30... until your shoulder is really burning.  Time that first session.  This is your training time to hit for future training sessions.  Do this with both arms to keep your body in balance.  I did this 4 days a week.  First week or so you will be sore but you will build up strength and get over the soreness.  This was told to me by an olympic air pistol coach so you don't think I pulled this out of my...  It works.

Forget about the wobble!  We all wobble, embrace the wobble, accept the wobble, shoot through the wobble.  Hold to your ability and squeeze.  Let the shot break don't make it break.


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This boards been a huge help! Empty Re: This boards been a huge help!

Post by desben Mon Feb 17, 2014 8:38 pm

I started shooting just a few months ago and I found that a few simple strength training exercises helped me immensely. I'm a computer programmer and sit at a desk all day; I'm not exactly built like Arnold. Holding a 40 oz pistol at arm's length for an hour gets really heavy! Have a look at the Bullseye Encyclopedia for good exercises. With a bit more strength, my pistol hold became more stable; but there's still a wobble.

Rather than hold a 5# weight for long periods, I hold a 10# weight for short periods myself. I assume shooting stance with a 10# dumbell for 3-4 seconds, then I lower my arm for a couple seconds of rest. Do 10-15 reps, then switch arm. Repeat 2-3 times. It gets tough.

I give myself a day of rest between these exercises and shooting sessions. The whole set suggested on the encyclopedia page and the 10# holds can be completed in about 15 minutes, so it's easy to do it 3 times per week (I shoot twice a week). After a couple of weeks, big improvements can be noticed.

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This boards been a huge help! Empty Re: This boards been a huge help!

Post by s1120 Mon Feb 17, 2014 10:15 pm

Well ill tell ya. Im no little guy. Want me to drag a car around the yard? Im good to go...  but MAN they were some new musles being used!!

Its realy nice to see my groups shrink the more i work at it. going from just keeping them on paper.... to getting a few in the black, and most others clusterd around.... its quite a feeling!!!!!


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Join date : 2012-09-03
Age : 59
Location : Columbia county NY

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