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How many magazines do you take to a 2700?

Rob Kovach
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How many magazines do you take to a 2700? Empty How many magazines do you take to a 2700?

Post by Otiso 7/10/2014, 7:48 pm

Do you just take a couple and hurriedly  load them between 5 shot strings or do you have 12 loaded for all the timed and rapid?

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How many magazines do you take to a 2700? Empty Re: How many magazines do you take to a 2700?

Post by Deerspy 7/10/2014, 8:02 pm

I have three for each gun keep one loaded for alibi string if needed, bought 3 more at gun show for 45 but got bit none of them work right.


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How many magazines do you take to a 2700? Empty Re: How many magazines do you take to a 2700?

Post by DeweyHales 7/10/2014, 8:06 pm

Three per gun is a great number. Most matches allow plenty of time for refilling mags. 

Perry goes more quickly to the commands, but there are lots of alibi strings.

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How many magazines do you take to a 2700? Empty Re: How many magazines do you take to a 2700?

Post by Rob Kovach 7/10/2014, 9:06 pm

I bring 3.  I usually only use 2 of those.  The 3rd only gets loaded if I use an alibi early in a match so if I need to clear and fire, there is that spare loaded magazine standing there.
Rob Kovach
Rob Kovach

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How many magazines do you take to a 2700? Empty Re: How many magazines do you take to a 2700?

Post by dronning 7/10/2014, 11:04 pm

I have 4 for the 22 and 18 for the 45, yes that's a complete match.  Tripp Research (CobraMag) - flawless.

How many magazines do you take to a 2700? 1911magst

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How many magazines do you take to a 2700? Empty Re: How many magazines do you take to a 2700?

Post by Jon Eulette 7/11/2014, 1:09 am

Typically high masters will use only one magazine for 50 yd line and one or two for 25 yd line. At 50 yds you will commonly get 2 groups; one for each magazine. Different spring pressure and feed lips will cycle/feed differently.  You can prove in a ransom rest. Other reason for one magazine is because some shooters use loading magazine as beginning of starting shot process/plan. Also just because a magazine feeds doesn't mean it's feeding correctly. 
Jon Eulette
Jon Eulette

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How many magazines do you take to a 2700? Empty Re: How many magazines do you take to a 2700?

Post by Dr.Don 7/11/2014, 8:35 am

I haven't shot a match in a number of years, so I'm not current.  But I shot a lot of matches in a lot of different places.  I don't ever remember being pressed for time to load a magazine.  I carried 2 mags for each gun, plus a spare in case I dropped one and bent it.

I think dronning may have more invested in mags than I have in my wadgun. Laughing

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How many magazines do you take to a 2700? Empty Re: How many magazines do you take to a 2700?

Post by DavidR 7/11/2014, 9:39 am

two for each gun, with a backup in case of a problem, once you get in sync with how matches are run you have plenty of time to load.

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How many magazines do you take to a 2700? Empty Re: How many magazines do you take to a 2700?

Post by dronning 7/11/2014, 12:10 pm

Dr.Don wrote:
I think dronning may have more invested in mags than I have in my wadgun. Laughing
You might be right. Every time I buy a gun I buy 5 mags for it. I didn't buy them all for bullseye but I was organizing my safe and when doing a count I realized I had more than enough 1911 Tripp mags to load up for a match.  I don't even want to think about what I have invested in mags.  lol!

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How many magazines do you take to a 2700? Empty Re: How many magazines do you take to a 2700?

Post by inthebeech 7/11/2014, 1:38 pm

I don't usually have much time for reading. lol!

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