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powder deliver

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powder deliver Empty powder deliver

Post by Magnusbullets 9/3/2014, 7:21 am

5 large pallets of powder delivered to midsouth shooters supply while we were there Wednesday.
Lots rifle, some vita n340, accurate Hodgon 4227 other rifle powders. No BE or titegroup.. most powder I have seen at one time in many months. Sure most for backorders, but positive movement that system is working hard to Catch up. Dealer in east Tennessee getting lots also. 231, hp 38,  cfe both,, titegroup all 1lb containers. Blue dot, varget


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Join date : 2011-06-12
Location : ardmore, al


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powder deliver Empty Re: powder deliver

Post by KenO 9/3/2014, 8:42 am

Last week I stopped in a sporting goods store, and the powder aisle was stacked full of about everything. I picked up five pounds of Bullseye, which has been scarce. The price was up $3 from a couple years ago, I paid $20.99 each. This store is not the cheapest place to get stuff, but at least they have it.

A couple weeks ago when I went by, I picked up Tightgroup since they didn't have Bullseye. There were eight pounders of rifle powder, but not in pistol powders.

The store is Jay's, in Clare, Michigan.


Posts : 182
Join date : 2011-06-14
Age : 77
Location : Northern Lower Michigan/Florida winter

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