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Bullet Lube - Purpose?

3 gun Gus
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Bullet Lube - Purpose? Empty Bullet Lube - Purpose?

Post by beeser 10/14/2014, 9:29 am


Last edited by beeser on 10/24/2014, 1:07 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Bullet Lube - Purpose? Empty Re: Bullet Lube - Purpose?

Post by Rich/WIS 10/14/2014, 10:43 am

Lube is there to prevent leading.


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Bullet Lube - Purpose? Empty Re: Bullet Lube - Purpose?

Post by 3 gun Gus 10/14/2014, 11:12 am

Lube is a gasket to prevent gas cutting. 

3 gun Gus
3 gun Gus

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Bullet Lube - Purpose? Empty Re: Bullet Lube - Purpose?

Post by GrumpyOldMan 10/14/2014, 11:26 am

Both of the above, IME & IMO.

Since .22 RF ammo IS enough over groove size to preclude gas cutting in any reasonably-in-spec barrel, in that application it's only to prevent leading and thus preserve accuracy beyond the first 10-20 rounds. Again IME & IMO.

For manufacturers, they have their performance specs for the quality of the ammo. From whatever "stable" of lubes they have available, they *probably* look first at cost, then at ease of application/compatibility with their equipment (including the packaging machines/devices), and perhaps last at whether there is some characteristic that can be put into the marketing materials (including packaging) to help the stuff SELL.

At least I think they should look at performance criteria first. Maybe some look at cost first and then go up the list until they find one with whatever minimal level of performance they choose to demand. Bean-counter effect, ya know.

In the 1960s, Remington IIRC made a big deal about their waxy lube being "pocket-proof", able to withstand being carried about during your hunting/shooting session and still working well enough to prevent lead fouling/plated metal fouling.

So why does one maker use a more "oily" lube?

Because they want to and they think you will still buy the ammo.


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Bullet Lube - Purpose? Empty Re: Bullet Lube - Purpose?

Post by DavidR 10/14/2014, 11:53 am

beeeser,on a 45, forget about lube!, if the bullet has lube in the groove, shoot it. As for a 22, lapua,sk,wolf and others use a wet type lube, the only difference I ever found it those over wax type lubes is I have to wipe my hands after loading it, accuracy is no better or worse with either kind.

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Bullet Lube - Purpose? Empty Re: Bullet Lube - Purpose?

Post by Al 10/14/2014, 1:25 pm

3 gun Gus wrote:Lube is a gasket to prevent gas cutting. 

Dead on Gus.


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Bullet Lube - Purpose? Empty Re: Bullet Lube - Purpose?

Post by Magnusbullets 10/14/2014, 4:12 pm

Lube as stated above to prevent leading and gas cutting. Commercial casters use a much harder lube, so we can ship in hot and cold weather and during shipping handling. Commercial lubes work great for most of us. Kart barrels will shoot all lead great, some other barrels may require more lube to prevent leading. I made High Master, 2658 my high score,  using our commercial lube and hard cast bullets. Swaged lead bullets use a softer, but pliable lube , so the manufacturing , swaging process does not require heat.


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Bullet Lube - Purpose? Empty Re: Bullet Lube - Purpose?

Post by 243winxb 10/15/2014, 10:56 am

Changing brands of 22 lr ammo without cleaning, may result in poor accuracy & POI change till at least 10 rounds are fired of the new ammo. The differece in the lube causes it.

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Bullet Lube - Purpose? Empty Re: Bullet Lube - Purpose?

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