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Taking the Winter off?

Fire Escape
Jack H
Larry Lang
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Taking the Winter off? Empty Taking the Winter off?

Post by Axehandle 11/2/2014, 5:46 pm

Last match of the year done...Let's not hold our breath for a few months and see what emerges next spring.
Down here in the South we don't have all the indoor league stuff you Northern guys have.   Have to use other ways to maintain all the skill advances we made this year.   Planning to refine my 38 Super loads and be ready to use it as my centerfire  gun for 2015.  I'll continue to work on my 25 yard timing and rhythm at work a couple of days a week.  The airgun will  be used extensively to refine my endurance and follow through.  Found a local club 12 miles from the house with a 50 yard pistol range for working on slow fire.


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Taking the Winter off? Empty Re: Taking the Winter off?

Post by kwixdraw 11/4/2014, 10:29 pm

I'm looking into some indoor matches at the Oak Ridge gun club. Looks like the best bet here in eastern TN.

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Taking the Winter off? Empty Re: Taking the Winter off?

Post by Larry Lang 11/5/2014, 11:57 am

Here in the PNW we just fired our last outdoor match of the season, a short course 2700. There will be indoor leagues and outdoor Monday AM geezer practice, which usually attracts 8 - 12 shooters. Some days the best thing about it the lunch afterward.
Larry Lang
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Taking the Winter off? Empty Re: Taking the Winter off?

Post by Guest 11/5/2014, 6:21 pm

Axehandle wrote:Last match of the year done...Let's not hold our breath for a few months and see what emerges next spring.
Down here in the South we don't have all the indoor league stuff you Northern guys have.   Have to use other ways to maintain all the skill advances we made this year.   Planning to refine my 38 Super loads and be ready to use it as my centerfire  gun for 2015.  I'll continue to work on my 25 yard timing and rhythm at work a couple of days a week.  The airgun will  be used extensively to refine my endurance and follow through.  Found a local club 12 miles from the house with a 50 yard pistol range for working on slow fire.
It really surprised me that bullseye season ends down South.  I would think with the mild to warm weather it would be nicer weather-wise to shoot November through April.



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Taking the Winter off? Empty Re: Taking the Winter off?

Post by jmdavis 11/5/2014, 10:12 pm


You have to understand that we vacation in FLA in the Summer. By the time of the first frost most of the outdoor bullseye in VA has ceased. There are a few indoor matches (Metro League at the NRA, there used to be the matches at the Richmond police Range, and members and guests Wed AM matches in Charlottesville). New for this year and after the first of the year is a 2nd and 4th Wed night match for members and guests in Charlottesville. Next week will be the last one for the year there and we will pick back up in January. 

But we really do vacation in FL in July....


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Taking the Winter off? Empty Re: Taking the Winter off?

Post by Jack H 11/6/2014, 4:20 am

Lately I have to practice outdoors for 50' gallery.  Dang.
Jack H
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Taking the Winter off? Empty Re: Taking the Winter off?

Post by Sa-tevp 11/6/2014, 8:06 am

There is a group of us south of Atlanta that got together and set up our own indoor 22 900 at a local indoor range. So far it takes about two hours to run two relays of four shooters, so we can do it on a weekday evening. It's kind of informal, as we use the PA system and the smart phone range commands app, but it's a hoot to shoot. The three slow fire targets are at your own pace, like AP60 and Free Pistol qualifications, and the Timed and Rapid Fire are just the start and stop horns on the Bullseye app. Low key and fun.

There are also air pistol events in the winter at the Ole Mill Range Complex in Griffin GA.

Mainly it comes down to a bunch of us just trying to get together, shoot targets and improve our skills.

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Taking the Winter off? Empty Re: Taking the Winter off?

Post by Fire Escape 11/6/2014, 10:14 am

Our club finished up the Outdoor League in September and the Smallbore Indoor League began a month ago. Our indoor range is rather small so while the backstop will handle .45, we shoot .22 to reduce the 'concussion effect' on our neighbors and we shoot two 300's each night.
I will be heading for warmer climes before Christmas and that about spells the end of my shooting until I come back north in April. Very limited number of places to shoot in the Keys although rumor has it that a new range has openned on 'our' island so I will have to bring some gear in order to play when the winds won't let me out on the Atlantic.


Fire Escape

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Taking the Winter off? Empty Re: Taking the Winter off?

Post by Rich/WIS 11/7/2014, 5:25 pm

No indoor ranges in reasonable distance. This time of year here in Wisconsin it's hard to focus on squeezing off a shot when you can't feel you fingers.


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Taking the Winter off? Empty Re: Taking the Winter off?

Post by Rob Kovach 11/7/2014, 7:12 pm

Where are you located Rich?
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Taking the Winter off? Empty Re: Taking the Winter off?

Post by LenV 11/7/2014, 7:23 pm

One more 2700 this year in Oregon. The "cold toes and runny nose" match in Sherwood on the 15th. Nothing in Dec. In Jan the WVPL (Willamette Valley Pistol League)  starts its 2015 season. 10 different teams shooting for scratch or handicap honors for the season. All mouse gun and all indoors. Lotsa fun.


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Taking the Winter off? Empty Re: Taking the Winter off?

Post by Colt711 11/8/2014, 10:27 pm

Any of you thinking of a move, wintering in FL, or ajust a month or so, locating on the N side of Tampa and you will have BE matches every weekend @ Wyoming Antelope Club, and Hernando Sportsmans Club. @ Hernando you can shoot 6 days a wk for $14 a day, and a practice 1800 Tues mornings. 4th Sun is a 2700. Other WE's @ the Antelope Club.

Ron Habegger
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Taking the Winter off? Empty Re: Taking the Winter off?

Post by KenO 11/9/2014, 7:21 pm

And, in FL straight across from Ron's range in Tampa,  on the east coast is the Port Malabar club near Palm Bay. They have Bullseye every Saturday, which is two or three matches depending on the weekend. But there is always a 900 to start, then there might be a Harry Reeves, CF, etc.

The matches aren't NRA approved, but run the same. Around 25 firing points, automated turners, and very reasonable, at $5, except the 1800 is $10. The Harry Reeves, snubby, and other third matches are free. The fees are double for non-members, but still cheap in my book, I joined a few years ago.

Snowbird Ken


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