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Really enjoyed shooting a S&W 686 yesterday.

Virgil Kane
Jerry Keefer
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Really enjoyed shooting a S&W 686 yesterday. Empty Really enjoyed shooting a S&W 686 yesterday.

Post by beeser 12/11/2014, 8:43 am

I recently picked up a S&W 686-4 with a 4" barrel and was finally able to try it out yesterday and boy oh boy was it fun to shoot.  The trigger was probably the best I've ever felt and the grips just melted in my hands.  This is the first time besides slipping into Rink grips that I didn't feel like constantly moving my hand around trying to feel comfortable.  If this is typical of S&W 600 series revolvers I'll be sure to get a few others.  I might like to put a scope on it.  Any suggestions?


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Really enjoyed shooting a S&W 686 yesterday. Empty Re: Really enjoyed shooting a S&W 686 yesterday.

Post by Jerry Keefer 12/11/2014, 8:59 am

beeser wrote:I recently picked up a S&W 686-4 with a 4" barrel and was finally able to try it out yesterday and boy oh boy was it fun to shoot.  The trigger was probably the best I've ever felt and the grips just melted in my hands.  This is the first time besides slipping into Rink grips that I didn't feel like constantly moving my hand around trying to feel comfortable.  If this is typical of S&W 600 series revolvers I'll be sure to get a few others.  I might like to put a scope on it.  Any suggestions?

PPC matches, included a 4in duty gun match.. The 586/686 ruled that catagory..It caused many records to fall..  It is probably the best fighting revolver available..
Jerry Keefer
Jerry Keefer

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Really enjoyed shooting a S&W 686 yesterday. Empty Re: Really enjoyed shooting a S&W 686 yesterday.

Post by Virgil Kane 12/11/2014, 9:06 am

The 600 series you refer to is S&W's designation for stainless steel not frame size. The 686 you shot is an "L" frame then there is a "K" frame which the frame is smaller but the grip size the same as an "L" frame. The 629 is a "N" frame and much bigger than the "K" frame or "L" frame. There is a S&W 642 which is a "J" frame which is the smallest S&W makes and most intended for CCW or undercover work by LEO's.


Virgil Kane

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Really enjoyed shooting a S&W 686 yesterday. Empty Re: Really enjoyed shooting a S&W 686 yesterday.

Post by rvlvrlvr 12/11/2014, 2:07 pm

The 686-4 will be easy to mount a scope to - the rear sight assembly will come off by removing the forward screw, and underneath the frame will already be drilled & tapped to accept a scope base. I tend to like the Weigand mount (now they have a "Weigatinny" mount with Picatinny slots; when I purchased mine years ago, it was just Weaver slots), but the Weaver rail will work fine.

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Really enjoyed shooting a S&W 686 yesterday. Empty Re: Really enjoyed shooting a S&W 686 yesterday.

Post by GrumpyOldMan 12/11/2014, 6:03 pm

That's probably the S&W "Magna" grip, originally on the higher-end K frames and later L frames when they came out.


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Really enjoyed shooting a S&W 686 yesterday. Empty Re: Really enjoyed shooting a S&W 686 yesterday.

Post by knightimac 12/12/2014, 7:20 am

I'm with you beeser.  Revolvers are fun to shoot.

+1 on Weigand mount.

I used that mount in the past on my 625s(45acp) which I've since sold off over 10 years ago.  I just bought a used Smith 325(45acp) a few weeks ago and have the Weigand mount with a Ultradot riding atop it.  The revolver bug bit me again.

Enjoy that 686!

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Really enjoyed shooting a S&W 686 yesterday. Empty Re: Really enjoyed shooting a S&W 686 yesterday.

Post by beeser 12/12/2014, 8:24 am

I just ordered the Weigand or Weigatinny mount.  Which ....dot should I use - Ultradot, Matchdot, MatchdotII?  Maybe another manufacturer?  Doing a search on the forum it seems that a 1" tube is preferable over the 30mm.  If that's the way to go it doesn't appear that the ones mentioned above have that option.  Is another manufacturer a better way to go?  This is my first red dot purchase.  I had an Aimpoint on my previous Pardini that came with the gun but never really used it.


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Really enjoyed shooting a S&W 686 yesterday. Empty Re: Really enjoyed shooting a S&W 686 yesterday.

Post by dronning 12/12/2014, 8:34 am

beeser wrote:I just ordered the Weigand or Weigatinny mount.  Which ....dot should I use - Ultradot, Matchdot, MatchdotII?  Maybe another manufacturer?  Doing a search on the forum it seems that a 1" tube is preferable over the 30mm.  If that's the way to go it doesn't appear that the ones mentioned above have that option. ....................

The Ultradot is available in both a 1" and 30MM tube.  Most of my friends have gone with the Matchdot II 30MM - personal preference, I like the elevation adjustment knob with the zero set feature.

1" Ultradot

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Really enjoyed shooting a S&W 686 yesterday. Empty Re: Really enjoyed shooting a S&W 686 yesterday.

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