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Partnership with Local VFW

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Partnership with Local VFW  Empty Partnership with Local VFW

Post by F. Paul Figlia 8/18/2011, 9:35 pm

Our local club wil be shutting down operations in 1-2 years when our property is taken over by the local transportation district. We were recently approached by the local VFW post which has expressed an interest in building a brand new range facility and forming a partnership with our club.

I would be very interested in speaking with anyone who has some experience with this type of situation.

Thanks in advance.

F. Paul Figlia

Posts : 78
Join date : 2011-06-10
Location : Evergreen, Colorado


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Partnership with Local VFW  Empty Re: Partnership with Local VFW

Post by Al 8/19/2011, 9:25 am

Sorry to hear about your range loss. Is this the 50 foot range tucked back in the corner against the hill? I met you several years back when I was in Denver visiting and Slocat brought me over so I didn't go into BE withdrawl.

I digress, We just built a 50 meter indoor range 2 years ago here in Bismarck. Because of inevitable takeover we refused to build on any offered "public land". There are enough documented cases of "Local club raises $$$$$ builds excellent new public shooting facility in local PD basement". Years later PD kicks out LGC and public due to "Safety Concerns". It happened at the PD in Fargo, ND as well as other spots.

While I would feel much more comfortable with a partnership with the VFW, get together with a few other "life experienced" shooters and brainstorm about what could go wrong, what could go right. Then write that into a contract with the VFW. You would have a much better handle on how to handle that, than anyone else.

There are other avenues for funds available for range construction. The 11% excise tax we pay on firearms and other shooting equipment goes into the Pittman Robertson fund. That money is held for both range development and education. (Drives congress nuts that they can't touch it). We were able to tap into quite a few $$ to help out. It didn't cover all or even half, but we were very grateful for it. It must be used for NEW construction, no remodeling of an existing building for a range. That forced us to redirect our original plan for a renovation of a building.

If I can help in any way or steer you to someone, let me know. I'd love to come down there visiting in 5 years and be able to shoot in your new building.

Al Schirado
aschirado at msn dot com


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Age : 69
Location : Bismarck, ND

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Partnership with Local VFW  Empty Re: Partnership with Local VFW

Post by F. Paul Figlia 8/19/2011, 12:18 pm

Al that is excellent advice - and we already have a committee looking into the possibility of tapping that fund.

One of the issues we must tackle if we are to create some form of relationship with the VFW is that their bylaws and national charter require that they maintain sole owenership of any such construction job. So, already there exists a major concern with the sustainability of our club independently of the VFW. One of the ideas floating around is to enter into a lease agreement in order to doff our hats to the ownership requirement but that isnt exactly getting me all warm and fuzzy either.

Thanks again for the excellent tip. You have a standing invitation to shoot BE anytime you are in Denver!

F. Paul Figlia

Posts : 78
Join date : 2011-06-10
Location : Evergreen, Colorado


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Partnership with Local VFW  Empty Re: Partnership with Local VFW

Post by tractorboy 9/25/2012, 11:20 am

As a longtime VFW member and former post commander I would like to add that the Leadership of the VFW, local, state and national changes every year. You cannot predict the direction that new leadership will take a post in the future. Just because the VFW is made up of people who served overseas during a conflict doesn't guarantee that they are all pro gun, pro shooting, pro NRA type people. They will do what they feel is best for their post.


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Join date : 2012-09-25

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