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Ejected Brass

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Ejected Brass Empty Ejected Brass

Post by BE Mike 1/16/2015, 2:41 pm

I have been shooting a fairly new to me, Springfield Armory 1911. It has a heavy recoil spring, advertised as 17#, but feels significantly heavier. The pistol functions well, but today, when I inspected the fired brass, I noticed an indention mark left on the rim of the cases. I used a felt tip marker to make the area stand out. My questions are 1. What is causing this mark? 2. Is it something to be concerned about?

Ejected Brass 001-13
BE Mike
BE Mike

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Ejected Brass Empty Re: Ejected Brass

Post by Jon Eulette 1/16/2015, 3:05 pm

My guess is the boltface on slide has a large machine mark. It's leaving the mark on the case when it's fired. I would guess if you chambered a round and then hand ejected it that it won't have the mark in it. Bolt face can be stoned/polished.
Jon Eulette
Jon Eulette

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Ejected Brass Empty Re: Ejected Brass

Post by expendable 1/16/2015, 3:24 pm

I think Jon is right.
I had a Ruger SR1911 that did the same thing, there was a step in the bolt face that was left after it was machined. 



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Ejected Brass Empty Re: Ejected Brass

Post by Bubba Blaster 1/16/2015, 4:35 pm

Jon is correct !   I bought a 45 ACP Range Officer and it did the same thing to the brass. I took a small tool makers file and removed the material off the bolt face opposite the extrator.

Bubba Blaster

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Ejected Brass Empty Re: Ejected Brass

Post by BE Mike 1/16/2015, 4:45 pm

Thanks. Yes, you all are right. The mark on the case was fairly deep, so I thought I'd have noticed the "ledge" on the bolt face (opposite from the extractor) before. It was easy to see when I saw it with magnification (these old eyes aren't what they used to be). I've been slowly removing the "step". Although, I wish that they had caught it at the factory. Probably just cosmetic, but it bugged me.
BE Mike
BE Mike

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Ejected Brass Empty Re: Ejected Brass

Post by Jon Eulette 1/16/2015, 4:49 pm

It should be fixed,  it will force your cartridge off center of bore axis.
Jon Eulette
Jon Eulette

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Ejected Brass Empty Re: Ejected Brass

Post by Deerspy 1/17/2015, 3:36 pm

and it damages the brass rim ( bends case rim ) at least it did on one I had take hump off of bolt face all is well now.Laughing


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Ejected Brass Empty Re: Ejected Brass

Post by BE Mike 1/17/2015, 4:02 pm

Deerspy wrote:and it damages the brass rim ( bends case rim ) at least it did on one I had take hump off of bolt face all is well now.Laughing
Yes it does, but in this case, not enough to affect reloading.
BE Mike
BE Mike

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