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What do you think of one of my approaches for honing accuracy?

BE Mike
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What do you think of one of my approaches for honing accuracy? Empty What do you think of one of my approaches for honing accuracy?

Post by beeser 2/5/2015, 8:41 am

Periodically and often before beginning my practice I will bench rest a group and use that as a baseline for what I want to accomplish off hand.  I've found that it sends a signal to my head of what is possible.  While I've been doing this my bench rest groups have shrunk a little and more importantly my off hand groups have improved a lot.  While I can't attribute all of my improvement to this approach I think it has helped.  What do you think?  Any practice techniques of your own?


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What do you think of one of my approaches for honing accuracy? Empty Re: What do you think of one of my approaches for honing accuracy?

Post by BE Mike 2/5/2015, 9:08 am

It helps, if you think it does! Smile
BE Mike
BE Mike

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What do you think of one of my approaches for honing accuracy? Empty Re: What do you think of one of my approaches for honing accuracy?

Post by knightimac 2/5/2015, 5:31 pm

Bench resting first helps you focus on the trigger exclusively likely that translates to when you're shooting offhand.  I read that Keith Sanderson of the USA shooting team does some drills by just working the trigger only without sighting the weapon you are doing something similar. Nothing wrong with learning you trigger break.

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What do you think of one of my approaches for honing accuracy? Empty Re: What do you think of one of my approaches for honing accuracy?

Post by Jon Eulette 2/5/2015, 6:07 pm

Olympian Darius Young used to practice free pistol with a support to rest the pistol on. It was for reinforcing what a 10 looks like. By the way it's not easy ; p) Jon
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Jon Eulette

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What do you think of one of my approaches for honing accuracy? Empty Re: What do you think of one of my approaches for honing accuracy?

Post by rreid 2/5/2015, 10:25 pm

I would add that you should be dry firing, too, if you're not already. Start out dry firing 5 or 10 rounds, or until you're satisfied with your trigger control. When you fire live rounds, scope each shot, and if one goes somewhere it wasn't supposed to, unload and dry fire again. Don't just send rounds downrange. You can do the same thing firing offhand. If you're using iron sights, try shooting at a blank target so you can focus entirely on sight alignment.

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What do you think of one of my approaches for honing accuracy? Empty Re: What do you think of one of my approaches for honing accuracy?

Post by Froneck 2/22/2015, 8:13 pm

One thing I like to do just before shooting slow fire at a match is to dry fire a few times. When the command to load is given I don't and close the slide, dry fire a few times until it feels right but not too much as time is getting shorter. I load and begin to fire the match.



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What do you think of one of my approaches for honing accuracy? Empty Re: What do you think of one of my approaches for honing accuracy?

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