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Frame & Slide tightening - Accu-rails, or the traditional route??

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Frame & Slide tightening - Accu-rails, or the traditional route?? Empty Frame & Slide tightening - Accu-rails, or the traditional route??

Post by John0313 Sun Sep 04, 2011 10:59 pm

I have a Springfiled Armory (home accurized) wadgun a friend of mine gave me before he died. It's a little loose, and I'd like to fit a new barrel to it.

What is the general consensus on tightening the frame/slide - should I go the old fashioned way (squeeze and peen), or go with rails?




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Join date : 2011-09-03

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Frame & Slide tightening - Accu-rails, or the traditional route?? Empty Re: Frame & Slide tightening - Accu-rails, or the traditional route??

Post by Bryan Coyle Sun Sep 04, 2011 11:36 pm

There is no downside to rails other than the initial price. If kept reasonably lubed, they'll likely outlive you shooting BE loads. If they don't, you pay a nominal fee and upsize to the next larger.

Bryan Coyle

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Join date : 2011-06-10

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Frame & Slide tightening - Accu-rails, or the traditional route?? Empty Re: Frame & Slide tightening - Accu-rails, or the traditional route??

Post by Scott Carroll Tue Sep 06, 2011 2:40 pm

I went with rails on my Springfield Armory MilSpec when I wanted to turn it into a competitive Ball gun for EIC matches. I have been really happy with it. As Bryan said it should last a long time and it is tight and easy to re-do if it ever needs to be re-tightened.


Scott Carroll

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Frame & Slide tightening - Accu-rails, or the traditional route?? Empty Re: Frame & Slide tightening - Accu-rails, or the traditional route??

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