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Now this is pretty cool

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Now this is pretty cool Empty Now this is pretty cool

Post by dronning 6/15/2015, 3:57 pm

This is something I never thought of in promoting participation in our sport with eTargets.

M1 giveaway:
"The competition winner received an M-1 Garand. However, it did not go to the marksman who hit closest to the center. The CMP mapped a coordinate in a secret location on the target, and the shooter who hit closest to that spot won the gun."

I'd certainly like to see the secret location somewhere inside the 10 or X ring, it does give everyone a chance at winning - cool.

What do you think?

- Dave

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Age : 71
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Now this is pretty cool Empty Re: Now this is pretty cool

Post by james r chapman 6/15/2015, 4:20 pm

Then the competition winner did not win the gun.
james r chapman
james r chapman

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Now this is pretty cool Empty Re: Now this is pretty cool

Post by Wobbley 6/15/2015, 7:50 pm

We used to some similar.  We'd pencil a circle on the target and the first person to hit the circle won a prize.  Usually the pool.  This was specified on diameter and ring value but could be anywhere.

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Now this is pretty cool Empty Re: Now this is pretty cool

Post by Guest 6/15/2015, 8:44 pm

I really, really like this idea.  You could carry it for multiple matches for the entire season!  Even people trying Bullseye for the first time could be "competitive".  I know how everyone (myself included) feels about participation medals, but Bullseye (at least in my case) took hundreds of hours of dry fire practice and multiple leagues and matches to get any kind of confidence.  The rifle idea is somewhat like a Lewis class in trap.  People pay a seperate fee to enter Lewis Class.  The top winner wins cash but the other winners are determined by where everyone finishes.  So the 6th, 12th, and 17th place people might also win cash.  Or prizes...


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Now this is pretty cool Empty Re: Now this is pretty cool

Post by cjon600 6/17/2015, 10:48 am

I heard it was like an 8.7 low right. They guy that won the rifle had purchased a rifle that morning too. Good for CMP to do something new with the target system.


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Join date : 2015-01-16

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Now this is pretty cool Empty Re: Now this is pretty cool

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