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Finding Limitations of Dillon Progressives - Alternatives? Pic

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Finding Limitations of Dillon Progressives - Alternatives?  Pic Empty Finding Limitations of Dillon Progressives - Alternatives? Pic

Post by beeser Tue Jun 16, 2015 10:03 pm

First of all this is not a criticism of Dillon progressives, just some limitations that I'm finding for my use.  Apparently Dillon does not make different sizing dies and expanders for their XL650.  It's one size fits all regardless of what bullet diameter or case being used.  That seems to work fine for .45 ACP where variations don't often come into play but for calibers such as 9mm and .32 ACP I'm finding the Dillon to be limiting.  There are plenty of sizing dies and expanders made by other companies but they will probably be more suitable in another progressive with more stations perhaps or a single state press.  As for my current loading of .32 ACP I plan on giving this old machine a try.

Finding Limitations of Dillon Progressives - Alternatives?  Pic Loaders%20062


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Finding Limitations of Dillon Progressives - Alternatives?  Pic Empty Re: Finding Limitations of Dillon Progressives - Alternatives? Pic

Post by jmdavis Tue Jun 16, 2015 10:16 pm

I think you are assuming that the powder drop has to be station 2. With a case activated system like the hornady, or the rcbs conversion, you could move it to station 3 of the 650. Then use 1 for deprime and size, 2 for expanding, 3 for powder, 4 for seating and 5 for crimp.

I like the Dillon dies and would probably use them for all but the powder. Without the fail safe rod and with a case activated drop you should be all set. Make that a dedicated 32 acp tool head.

Last edited by jmdavis on Wed Jun 17, 2015 4:10 am; edited 1 time in total

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Finding Limitations of Dillon Progressives - Alternatives?  Pic Empty Re: Finding Limitations of Dillon Progressives - Alternatives? Pic

Post by beeser Tue Jun 16, 2015 11:56 pm

jmdavis wrote:I think you are assuming that the powder drop has to be station 2. With a case activated system like the hornady, or the rcbs conversion, you could move it to station 3 of the 650. Then use 1 for deprime and size, 2 for expanding, 3 for powder, 4 for seating and 5 for powder.

I like the Dillon dies and would probably use them for all but the powder. Without the fail safe rod and with a case activated drop you should be all set. Make that a dedicated 32 acp tool head.
I hadn't thought of that.  Thanks!  You're right, I was assuming that the powder drop had to remain at Station 2.  I already have an RCBS powder drop that is case activated.  I may give that a try instead.


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Join date : 2014-06-19

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