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Tell me about your experience with 155 LSWC

Dave C.
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Tell me about your experience with 155 LSWC Empty Tell me about your experience with 155 LSWC

Post by igolfat8 Wed Jul 22, 2015 8:14 am

Please share your experiences and loads. Have they proven as accurate as 185 & 200s? What about feeding reliability? I cast my own and have considered ordering a 155 mold to stretch my lead usage over my current 200 LSWCs. I could gain 10 more boolits per pound of lead over 200s.


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Tell me about your experience with 155 LSWC Empty Re: Tell me about your experience with 155 LSWC

Post by Dave C. Wed Jul 22, 2015 8:36 am

Buy a 1k rounds from a commercial caster before you buy a mould.
If you like them buy the mould. If not melt them down.
Dave C.
Dave C.

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Tell me about your experience with 155 LSWC Empty Re: Tell me about your experience with 155 LSWC

Post by DavidR Wed Jul 22, 2015 9:02 am

Lasercast use to offer a 155 lswc, I found it to be ok for 25 but too light for 50 yds,  many of guys I shoot with and myself sometimes shoot the 160 lswc but most all only use it for 25 yds. I tried it as did others at 50 and if you're very careful with your shot they do ok but seem to have unexplained flyers very often. Also you have to load them much hotter than a 185, we found the 160s take 4.5 gr of bullseye to be very accurate, 4.3 is the minimum they will do well.

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Tell me about your experience with 155 LSWC Empty Re: Tell me about your experience with 155 LSWC

Post by Axehandle Wed Jul 22, 2015 9:11 am

Terry Labbe at Magnus Bullet Company has made them.  As I remember they were made for USPSA/IPSA 45 ACP shooters.  The lighter bullet loaded to the velocity required to make their power factor made for lots of gas and made their compensators work better.


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Tell me about your experience with 155 LSWC Empty Re: Tell me about your experience with 155 LSWC

Post by Rob Kovach Wed Jul 22, 2015 11:38 am

The first Master shooter that I ever watched was using the 155 LSWC to great success.  I don't remember him saying that he was using more than 4.2gr BE for them--my memory tells me that he was using 3.9gr and sprung the gun lighter so it would function.  He was using that load for both the long and the short line.
Rob Kovach
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Tell me about your experience with 155 LSWC Empty Re: Tell me about your experience with 155 LSWC

Post by Axehandle Wed Jul 22, 2015 11:48 am

I'm sure there are general rules but bottom line is what shoots good  in your gun.   I'd get some 155s from Terry to try before I invested in a bullet mold.


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Tell me about your experience with 155 LSWC Empty Re: Tell me about your experience with 155 LSWC

Post by Ghillieman Thu Jul 23, 2015 1:18 am

You will need a fast powder to build the pressure up quickly enough to seal the case to the chamber and prevent gas blow back. Use VV N310 or Hodgdon TiteWAD.

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Tell me about your experience with 155 LSWC Empty Re: Tell me about your experience with 155 LSWC

Post by Colt711 Fri Jul 24, 2015 11:00 pm

What is now cast to 160 started out as a 165 and were cast from an H&G 242S(hort) mold. They became 160's when we started buying them from commercial casters. They were widely used in North & Central Ohio especially the Canton & Oak Harbor shooters. 4.2 grains of BE was the common loading though some used a bit more for 50 yds. The experienced masters advised using at least 4.0 grains of BE when I first used the bullet. This was for a HS or ribbed 1911. The 4.2 usage was with slide mounted red dots.

Occasionally I would run across a "deal" on jacketed bullets or factory ammo but never saw much if any diff from the 160's.

Ron Habegger


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Tell me about your experience with 155 LSWC Empty Re: Tell me about your experience with 155 LSWC

Post by rich.tullo Wed Jul 29, 2015 3:11 pm

185gn for me can shoot at 50 yds though not as well as 200gn. 

185gn over 3.7 bullseye can cycle many guns and feels about the same as a 38.

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