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Sleep and proteins

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Sleep and proteins Empty Sleep and proteins

Post by Founder Sun Jun 12, 2011 10:46 am

The day before a match I will get plenty of physical and emotional rest. The day of the match eat a high protein breakfast (steak, eggs and potato)
with a vitamin water or big glass of OJ. Protein bars (Clif bars) throughout the day and between stages. Feed the body and mind.

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Sleep and proteins Empty Re: Sleep and proteins

Post by DeweyHales Sun Jun 12, 2011 9:07 pm

That's amazing. My stomach won't tolerate food like that when I wake up. I generally eat nothing until I am on the line. At that point, I eat granola bars and the like. I do try to get lots of rest and be well hydrated.

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Sleep and proteins Empty Re: Sleep and proteins

Post by DavidR Mon Jun 13, 2011 12:22 pm

In the heat of summer, Gatorade is a must, water is good but you need the additives in the other

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Sleep and proteins Empty Re: Sleep and proteins

Post by Greg Sefton Thu Jun 23, 2011 9:35 am

DavidR wrote:In the heat of summer, Gatorade is a must, water is good but you need the additives in the other
My shooting partner is a doctor and partially agrees with you. But he says those electrolyte drinks are too strong, and you should dilute them by half. Hyperkalemia can be a problem (elevated potassium).
While I'm at it. I shoot practice up to the day before the match with airguns & 22's but not the day before. Agree on the rest. I also cut the caffeine if I'm shooting in the morning. Did this after seeing I shot much better in the afternoon.
Anything with a lot of sugar (granola etc) is detrimental to my wobble area, so I go with the protein as suggested here, but not too much... don't want to fall asleep.
Also work up a checklist and print one out a few days before to make sure you do & have everything you need and don't spend time worrying whether you remembered everything.

Greg Sefton

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Sleep and proteins Empty Re: Sleep and proteins

Post by BE Mike Tue Nov 22, 2011 4:02 pm

When I was younger and shooting my better scores, I used to live 3 hours from the closest match. I would eat something with high protein, like an egg and sausage biscuit. I'd drink milk and lay off the caffeine (coffee and sodas). Many times I wouldn't get too much sleep the night before due to work, but after the 3 hour drive, I'd usually feel relaxed and ready to shoot. Often I'd shoot better with little rest, rather than a whole bunch.
BE Mike
BE Mike

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Sleep and proteins Empty Re: Sleep and proteins

Post by jakuda Wed Nov 23, 2011 1:32 pm

I have to drive 2 -2.5 hours to the nearest registered 2700. This means I usually get up at 4:30, and try to leave the house at 5am. It's a tough, boring slog without coffee, but I try to do without. Another side effect of caffeine that's not mentioned much is that it's a vaso-constrictor, which means your extremities (read: trigger finger) gets colder and numb easier. Not a good thing for trigger control.


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