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Midway has Bullseye Powder in stock

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Midway has Bullseye Powder in stock Empty Midway has Bullseye Powder in stock

Post by Snobal 11/25/2015, 2:47 pm

Just noticed that Midway has Bullseye Powder in stock.  

I was down to my last container, so I ordered some.  It is supposed to ship on Dec 5.


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Midway has Bullseye Powder in stock Empty Re: Midway has Bullseye Powder in stock

Post by DonBrummer 11/25/2015, 4:53 pm

Just ordered 4

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Midway has Bullseye Powder in stock Empty Re: Midway has Bullseye Powder in stock

Post by LenV 11/27/2015, 2:19 pm

All gone

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Midway has Bullseye Powder in stock Empty Re: Midway has Bullseye Powder in stock

Post by LenV 1/17/2016, 11:01 am

Between torrential rains and high winds yesterday the sun poked through the clouds and created a rainbow. I guess I was standing right on the end of it when I walked into a local gun store. Sitting on the floor (to big for a shelf) was a 8lb jug of Bullseye. The adoption process went quickly and the powder found a new home. Powder seems to be showing up. Info for the locals: S&M had several hundred pounds show up Friday and they have a lot of powders for pistols.

Not the powerball...but close..ok,not even close.But a nice surprise.
Midway has Bullseye Powder in stock 01161610

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Midway has Bullseye Powder in stock Empty Re: Midway has Bullseye Powder in stock

Post by Keyholed 1/17/2016, 11:48 am

Nice score. I'm down to my last maybe quarter-pound, so it's gonna go on reserve for purposes that really need it. I only started reloading relatively recently, so my stocks are thin.

I checked out a new-to-me shop yesterday, and was able to grab a pound of Universal. They had a four-pound jug of IMR 700X, but I haven't gotten a chance to try it, so I chickened out on dropping a hundred bucks on it. Which I'm semi-regretting already, the loads for it look lovely.

What I am gonna do is knuckle up and make an order from Grafs or Powder Valley. Some n310, n320, and IMR (PV has it, but they don't have the n320), plus a couple thousand primers. I know a couple guys that might split the hazmat a little, but if not, no big deal.


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Midway has Bullseye Powder in stock Empty Re: Midway has Bullseye Powder in stock

Post by Fire Escape 1/17/2016, 12:59 pm

Keyholed wrote:Nice score. I'm down to my last maybe quarter-pound, so it's gonna go on reserve for purposes that really need it. I only started reloading relatively recently, so my stocks are thin.

I checked out a new-to-me shop yesterday, and was able to grab a pound of Universal. They had a four-pound jug of IMR 700X, but I haven't gotten a chance to try it, so I chickened out on dropping a hundred bucks on it. Which I'm semi-regretting already, the loads for it look lovely.

What I am gonna do is knuckle up and make an order from Grafs or Powder Valley. Some n310, n320, and IMR (PV has it, but they don't have the n320), plus a couple thousand primers. I know a couple guys that might split the hazmat a little, but if not, no big deal.

I have had 'mixed' results with 700X. A friend found several pounds of it when hardly anything else was available so we (well me, I reload, he shoots and finds components) have attempted to use it for quite a few calibers. The first thing that I learned was that my Redding 10X measure absolutely hates it, while there are a few powders that don't measure easily this one really binds everything up. I was unable to come up with a load that functioned well for 9mm/147 gr bullets, they were OK in my old S&Ws and the Berretta but not able to keep under maximum and work with a new XDm or Sig 320C (no, they are not bullseye guns). It works OK for my .45 loads but from what I read here you can launch greased rocks and have a decent shortline load so .....
I was glad to have it when there was nothing else but would choose almost anything else for 'general' handgun loading.


Fire Escape

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Midway has Bullseye Powder in stock Empty Re: Midway has Bullseye Powder in stock

Post by LenV 1/17/2016, 1:16 pm

"but would choose almost anything else for 'general' handgun loading."


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Midway has Bullseye Powder in stock Empty Re: Midway has Bullseye Powder in stock

Post by Telewreck 1/17/2016, 1:48 pm

BE has been showing up every now and then at Scheels. I picked up a pound last Thursday. I am interested to try n310, but I have no idea where I will be able to find that. There are a couple gun shows coming up so I guess I will keep my fingers crossed....


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Midway has Bullseye Powder in stock Empty Re: Midway has Bullseye Powder in stock

Post by sixftunda 1/17/2016, 9:08 pm

I use 700x for my long line loads.  4.4 grains with a zero 185 jhp.  Jerry Keefer also uses it.  I like it a lot.  Very accurate and very very clean.

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